Three gun matches!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
We had one of our rare ones. I could have done better but what fun. I also should learn to count. Got a penalty for not having downloaded a mag to 10! I had had 12. See - normally I keep the AR mags at 2 below. So I had a 20, I thought was 18 and took out 8 to get to 10. OOPS! A penalty.

But shooting a Glock, a Winchester 1300 Defender and my AR - nice day!

Mike Webb puts on great matches in central TX.

Zombie Match

Several of the guys I use to work with got together to have a three gun Zombie Match recently. Three stages- 1st stage was handgun, 7 targets 7yds to 15yds, with one mandatory reload, 45 seconds, Revolvers min. 38 cal., pistols 9mm, 2nd stage Shotgun, 7 targets 15yds to 25yds, one mandatory reload, 45 seconds, 12 ga. 00 buck or slugs, Pump, Double or Semi, 3rd stage Rifle, 11 targets, 25yds to 50yds,one mandatory reload, 60 seconds, .223, 308, 7.62x39, Pistol cal allowed 9mm and up.
Headshots only with only one counted per target. 10 pts per target.
A lot of fun.
Our range officer won with a Colt Python, Mossburg pump and a Armalite AR
Three gun is fun.

It's like running with sissors, only with guns instead. ;)

I enjoy 3 gun events. My favorite are the outlaw events. I find them to be more fun and less "THE RULES SAY THIS" type mentality.

Too bad the ATF doesn't consider 3 gun "sporting." :rolleyes:
Yeah, we were talking about sporting purpose. Luckily no one had a Saiga as I would have been horrified by it's evil automatic appearance. Why it might even look like my 30 round mag AR?

Wonder if someone could just buy the plans and make Saigas here. Shouldn't be hard.

In 410 - Taurus could make them and called them the Raging Commisar - ducking now!
3 gun search

I live in NW Ohio and Im looking for a place that puts on 3 gun matches my local range doesnt do it and the range 30 min north of me is only putting on 1 3 gun this year in october. Im new to the sport and the 1st match i go to this year will be my first i just want to go out and have some fun competing with my new AR / XD / and 1300 win