Three 50 grain Pellets


New member
Last week I shot the MMP Sabot from my 50 cal. with a 250 grain Nosler Partition .44 bullet with, three 50 grain pellets.The shot was wild,and found the sabot all messed up with the base of the sabot gone.
I called Nosler and asked about their sabots with a 150 grain pellet charge.And the Bullet Tec told me that the pellets didn't shoot to good with the pellets.That If I shot the loose powder the sabots would shoot good.
Has anyone had this problem shooting 150 grain charge with sabots for the 50 cal. shooting the .44 bullets?
I'm planning to hog hunt and I think the partitions are going to be the best bullet on hogs.
Also what do ya'll think about the Barns 245 grain Spit Fire bullets on hogs?
My Knight is sighted in with these bullets right now,with 150 grain charge.
I was thinking maybe the two diffrent bullets would shoot close,without changing the zero.
For whatever it's worth, I gave up on all sabot loads once I tried Powerbelt bullets. Accuracy is all I could want, and they stand up to any charge weight or type of powder I use. Perhaps you should give thema try.
i went through the 150 gr. load phase for a while, but I only use 90 to 100 grs. now.I could never get consistent accuracy with the heavier loads out of my Knight. Besides, 90 grs. has always done the job quite well.
as far as bullets go, either the Barnes or the Partition should serve you well.
+1 on the powerbelts. They are more accurate and leave no plastic or lead fowling. Use the heavier bullets on deer though. I killed a 5 point this weekend with 150 gr of triple7 and a 233 grain hollowpoint powerbelt. Shot him from 25 yards with a perfect lung shot and the bullet didn't exit. When I opened him up the inside of his chest cavity had a hole the size of a lemon in it and the hide had a .50 cal hole. The lugs were blown to bits. Incredible and devistating expansion.