threaded barrels...

Since there is a P226 Tactical with such a barrel, I would try SIGARMS and ask them if they sell the barrel as a part.
no such's a custom shop gun so all the barrels that they made are in the guns... It shouldn't be this damn hard to find a threaded barrel....arghhh :mad:
I ordered a threaded barrel for a Glock 34 last August from Barsto. I still don't have it.
I realize they are busy and all that BS. That isn't what ticks me off. What ticks me off is that over the last month or so, I have called them every week and asked about it. No, I didn't call them once for about 7-8 months. When I knew I was going to be getting tax stamp and the suppressor I started calling them.
EVERY time the conversation goes just like this: "We don't have any of those made up right now." Well I talked to you last week and you told me you had one and you were going to ship it out last week, I ordered it last August. "Oh, yeah, I remember you. Yeah, I have one set aside for you, I will get it out this week."
And so it goes every week. When I didn't get the barrel for six months, I just said they were backlogged and slow. After he told me he had one and was going to send it to me and then didn't..... he is a liar. And he has lied to me now three times.
To give you an idea of how slow Barsto is: I bought a Glock 34 from a guy at work. I wanted to buy a suppressor for a 9mm handgun, and I figured this would be the way to go. The day I bought it I ordered new sights, a threaded barrel, and a Surefire light for the rail. I then contacted Henry at TitleII firearms in South Carolina and asked about gettting an EVO-9 (AAC Evolution-9 suppressor). He didn't have one, but I ordered one. It took awhile for him to get one in. It took so long I started calling him periodically to check on it: I am usually very patient and don't like to bother people by calling them all the time about an order or a job. He eventually got one in, I paid him and the paperwork process began. Henry transfered it from his shop to my local dealer. My local dealer got it, and never called me. At some point I called him and got my own paperwork started. I sent in my Form 4 at the beginning of February. I now have the tax stamp, and the suppressor and no barrel. Moral to the story: People complain about how long it takes to go through the tax stamp process with ATF. ATF is the model of efficentcy compared to Barsto. I would be willing to bet that I could have sent ATF a set of paperwork, got back the stamp and mailed another set of paperwork, got back the stamp and then sent another set of paperwork and got it back (three round trips) before I ever get one barrel from Barsto.
Personally, I would never do business with Barsto again. There is nothing about a drop in, Barsto barrel that is worth waiting eight months (and counting) for. There is nothing about getting a drop in, Barsto barrel that is worth paying over $500 AND waiting eight months to get.
Barsto sucks.
One thing you might want to keep in mind. If you are like me, you like to buy good stuff and are willing to pay a little extra to get top quality gear. But, IMO, there is no point in buying some kind of match quality barrel if you are going to hang a suppressor on the end of it. For that matter, you are lucky to be able to see the sights. Again, IMO, don't waste your money buying a top quality, fitted, match barrel to use with a suppressor.
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thanks for the info...honestly, i would just like to find a damn extended barrel and thread it myself...that would be the cheapest/fastest route to take i think...anyone know of just extended barrels, unported?