Obviously this is a problem of highly concentrated Democratic voters. :barf:
I still don't understand why all those African-Americans vote Democratic, almost as if they do it spontaneously and irrationally. :barf: The Democratic party would be nothing without them.
I know that Democratic leaders are highly corrupt at the local level and they're the ones who seem to get away with this crap, but they could "rape an altar boy" in the words of one commentator and still get elected.
What can we do to get rid of this problem. The corruption in NYC has ruined it for upstate New Yorkers, who outside of the NYC suburbs, actually voted for Bush. NYC is so population and intellectually dense that it can carry the whole state however for a Democrats.
I'm not to thrilled about President Bush making a BIG mistake in appointing a "moderate" like Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General.
Can we lobby or something to block this atrocious nomination? Didn't these old Blue-Bloods learn their lesson from appointing media-crowned "moderates"; untrustworthy behind-kissers like O'Connor, Souter, and Kennedy? It's things like these which make me want to smack some sense into arrogant and complacent members of the party. (Even into President Bush, who seems very smug which leads to a dismal performance in say the public debates)
I'm shocked that this Administration could support the likes of Pataki and Schwarznegger, as they're completely useless and even detrimental.
Anyone with a brain, living in high-crime areas, is going to want to arm him or herself. I guess if they don't evolve, well...
Any ideas about what to do?