Thread response doesn’t pertain.

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New member
Just what makes some people insist on barging in on a thread with a response that clearly is out of line from the original posters request and then continue to do so after it’s been pointed out to them? Why can’t they just start a new thread that would contain what related responses they looking for? Usually if you search around on other threads you will see them on more threads doing the same. It’s just to bad because most people just want to get informed or just move on if the thread doesn’t pertain to them but then there’s the few who insist on ruining a good thing.
It's called thread hijacking. It's either just plain ignorance, or they're simply not smart enough to start a topic of their own. All I've ever seen that works to stop it is for the OP to simply post in their own thread that the culprit who's doing it is not welcome in their thread. It's the anonymity of the internet that emboldens some to just be disruptive. Rarely, a mod will put a stop to it if it gets really out of hand. FWIW, I've seen OP's give really rude comments to someone who sincerely offered an answer to their post question or statements.
We have ways to deal with members who continually post off topic posts or threads. But, we can't do much about them if we don't see them. The best plan of attack is to report [
] the OT post instead of trying to start an argument with the poster or posting a less than polite post against them. Sometimes the latter method of trying to fix the problem backfires and there are no winners.

Normally, this type of topic of a non-firearm nature, is discussed in the Site Questions/Tech Support forum, but I'll leave it here for a while so others can see it.

Since further discussion would be superfluous with a bunch of "yeah, I hate that also" types of posts, I'll close it now.
there’s the few who insist on ruining a good thing.

There always is. You find them in every aspect of life. IF it's deliberate, we used to call them "spoilers", today we have a slew of words more specific for internet use...

Sometimes tis simple lack of reading and following directions. Why do people post pictures of their rifles (alone) in handgun threads??

sometimes its just a well meant but misguided answer. Like someone says "I'm looking for a .30-30" and gets told "buy a .308"...

Sometimes its willful disruption. Had a fellow on here a while back who's response in every thread category was "get a Glock!". Pistol, rifle, shotgun, hunting. reloading, no matter the subject or question his response was always "get a Glock" That fellow isn't around anymore. For cause.

Sometimes its done just to stir things up. Some people do it just so they can sit back and enjoy the drama. Mostly answers that don't apply are meant to be helpful, but there are a certain percentage of jerks.

Go looking on forums (any subject) that aren't as well moderated as TFL. In those places its rare to go a dozen responses to anything without someone responding rudely, and often offensively. Personal attacks are common enough they seem to be the norm some places.

If someone is way out of line, report it. Bad actors get the boot here.
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