Thread 11


New member
Zen does not interfer with any religion,and is not one.It is a convenient way to look at the world.Master means an expert who is able to impart knowledge,a teacher.There seems to be some confusion about both of these terms.

I agree with you. I said earlier that Zen is a philosophy, but I think most people equate Zen with the Zen Buddhism sect of Buddhism. Zen is a way of looking at the world, not a set of spiritual beliefs. I've heard one martial artist I know (who was also a deacon at his church) refer to himself as a "Zen Baptist".

In TaeKwonDo at least, a master's certification reads "Master Instructor" not just master. Mastery is based on both personal achievement and the achievements of one's students. To be a grandmaster, one should have students that have themselves mastered the art.

I think a previous poster said what I've been trying to say, only much clearer. Very few of us are real "warriors" or "martial artists" (I think the two terms are interchangeable in this context) - most of us are engineers, lawyers, doctors, parents, bankers, husbands, wives, construction workers, or whatever. Everything else holds a lower priority. To be a true warrior in our society would be difficult, to say the least. Myself, I'm an engineer who studies/trains/dabbles in martial arts, firearms, history, bicycling, auto repair, computers, etc.

And another reason I agree that every serious martial artist should train with the best easily transportable weapon that is available to him/her (in our country, a handgun) is that age and/or injury inevitably reduce our physical capabilities (at 31, I can tell a difference in what I could do at 21). Additionally, the insight gained in learning how to use a weapon (e.g. the strengths & weaknesses of the weapon) helps one understand how to counter it.
Zen Buddhism is not even a religion,as defined by westerners.There are many Bhuddist sects,and I have seen some wierd ones in S.E.Asia,as there are Christian or Jew.What is wrong with trying to become one with the Universe,and understand ones place in it?The Southern Baptist types haven`t done their home work.They just rant.I mean to offend everyone equally.
