Thoughts on use of tracer ammuniton for sd


New member
I've got some Hornady Vector 230 gr. FP FMJ .45 ammo and was thinking it would make a dandy self defense round. For one thing you'd be able to see where the bullet hit which I would think is an advantage.
Not to be flippant, but,,,

you'd be able to see where the bullet hit which I would think is an advantage.

They'd be able to see where the bullet came from which I would think is a disadvantage.

At least that's what my WW-II and Korean conflict uncles told me.

Even in moderate locales, I imagine a prosecutor would have a field day if you used tracers for self-defense.

It's a bad idea on many levels. There's a huge possibility for collateral damage.
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Why use FMJ when JHP ammunition like Ranger-T, Gold Dot, Golden Saber and HST is available?

Hornady intended that ammo to be used for training and range use. Besides, it's not available anymore..
Tracers don't have a whole lot of benefit at close ranges, they really shine at long ranges, walking bursts on to a target.

I don't have any experience with handgun tracers, but at SD ranges, I doubt you'd even see the streak.
For one thing you'd be able to see where the bullet hit which I would think is an advantage.

When you see where the bullet hits, it's already too late, because you fired it. Also as stated above, tracers work both ways (and completely not in SD range).
Tracer ammo?

I believe that tracer and incendiary ammo are novelty items and as such might draw way too much attention to the "nut" part of gun nut if you were to use them to defend yourself.
Rampant Colt, they are still very much available. Go to and you'll find a wide selection of both incendiary ammo, tracer ammo, combinations of both above and other types of ammo.

I can imagine the DA..."You shot the victim with what?"
And if they just got kicked out of a bar there is also the possibility of setting them on fire. Could also be a bad idea in a gas station. I would love to see the LEO response to a call of "man with gun firing tracers!"
Red on Green

Stars, what a call that would be...'Dispatch, are they red or green tracers?' I need to know which side to join...
Just when you think you've heard it all.
9 ball, The rationale behind tracers is to pinpoint where the round impacts. The greatest and most efficient ballistic computer in existence is the human brain. Without conscious effort your brain will adjust POI based upon where your eyes tell it the last round hit.
Please don't think I'm taking up for these rounds. I don't want to ever see another one.

Tracers are meant to be fired in automatic weapons that are used on minimum 100 meters. With a SD weapon you're never going to fire on a range on which you can see where they land.
In most self defense situations I'd bet you're FAR too close to your assailant to gain any benefit from using tracers.

Add the possible legal ramifications to that and I don't think there is an advantage to be had.
The only benefit that I can see tracers being used is the one my uncle told me..load the first 3 rounds in your mag to be tracers..that way you know when your about to run out of bullets
This sounds like a terrible idea.

99% of SD situations occur at 0-15 feet, and if you're looking for a tracer, you aren't focusing on the front sight. If you aren't focusing on the front sight, you're probably not going to hit your target.

Why would you want to use FMJ bullets anyways? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. :confused:

9 Ball, I agree completely. I was NOT backing the use of tracers for any SD application but I will stand behind the fact taht our brain is the best ballistic computer we have to use. I don't...Won't...can't use tracers for anything. Fact remains: They are there. There is a reason. Wallking your stream into the target is accepted.
You DON'T need tracers to adjust rounds on target. You can...I HOPE !..see impact points with non tracer rounds and your brain WILL adjust the next rounds into the cone. I'm afraid you guys are missing my point. I DO NOT accept the use of tracers in any application except automatic fire in combat. Get that Point first then listen to what I am saying. DON'T use tracers. Don't look for them. Understand what their point of purpose is. They are not a "running out of ammo" indicator. They should never supplant your brain;s ability to count in that regard. They are, however, good points of reference for aiming. NOT "Aiming Points', Points of reference. I know some will not understand what I'm saying. Even some of those who try to understand will not agree. That's OK. We don't always have the same ideas at the same time. There is a place and time for incendiaries. Not on the urban streets, though.
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I've got some Hornady Vector 230 gr. FP FMJ .45 ammo and was thinking it would make a dandy self defense round. For one thing you'd be able to see where the bullet hit which I would think is an advantage.

That's gotta be an award winning post...Not saying what kind of award!!!:eek: