9 Ball, I agree completely. I was NOT backing the use of tracers for any SD application but I will stand behind the fact taht our brain is the best ballistic computer we have to use. I don't...Won't...can't use tracers for anything. Fact remains: They are there. There is a reason. Wallking your stream into the target is accepted.
You DON'T need tracers to adjust rounds on target. You can...I HOPE !..see impact points with non tracer rounds and your brain WILL adjust the next rounds into the cone. I'm afraid you guys are missing my point. I DO NOT accept the use of tracers in any application except automatic fire in combat. Get that Point first then listen to what I am saying. DON'T use tracers. Don't look for them. Understand what their point of purpose is. They are not a "running out of ammo" indicator. They should never supplant your brain;s ability to count in that regard. They are, however, good points of reference for aiming. NOT "Aiming Points', Points of reference. I know some will not understand what I'm saying. Even some of those who try to understand will not agree. That's OK. We don't always have the same ideas at the same time. There is a place and time for incendiaries. Not on the urban streets, though.