thoughts on open carry


New member
Hey everyone. I want to tap into the vast collective knowledge and experience that exists among the members of TFL...on the subject of open carry. I'd like your thoughts and opinions on it...good, bad, would recommend, would not recommend (and why!), who should, who shouldn't, legal implications, social implications, personal experiences, problems from doing so, benefits from doing so...and so on and so forth. Your input will be highly appreciated!
Understand I'm from a state where open carry has never been allowed in my lifetime. CCW is what I want.

That said, I don't think its wise nor helpful to the cause. To me its waving a red flag in front of a bull and thumbing your nose for zero sum gain. I can conceive of some putz thinking he is a wise@ss ridiculing and egging on the gun person, and if enough people got upset, the judiciary would say its a public disturbance, ala yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. I believe end result would be net harm to RKBA. Consider've all seen those photo transfer T-shirts pictures of your kid or dog, front and back).....what would you think if you saw someone with a spreadeagled naked woman on someone's T-shirt, walking around in public? It is legal in most jurisdictions, does that make it the smart thing to do?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Two thoughts.

While I don't necessarily disagree with DC, I believe others attitudes towards you depend upon where you live. I noticied you're in Longmont,CO (so am I, except for my 4 yrs in the peoples republic of boulder) and for as long as I can remember a few people open have always open carried without causing a panic, or even generating snide remarks. I probably don't even notice when someone is open carrying--assuming he isn't carrying as would an 1880's gunslinger.

However, I have never have nor probably will I ever open carry unless I'm actually shooting--I don't see the need--my opinion, and as long as Longmont keeps accepting refuges from California (possibly with the same built in responce to open carry as has DC, unless you have a need, why do it}.

By the way, it is legal to open carry in Colorado as per the website. However, I believe in Denver and Boulder it is against the local law. Always smart to check before you get yourself arrested.

Good topic to think about.
In my state, open carry is perfectly legal provided that I'm not holding it in a threatening manner. :) Still, even I jump to condition orange when I see people open carrying. The whole idea of conceal carry is so not to alarm the public, legal or not. Besides, I like having the element of surprise on my side, and I don't like attraction attention to myself.

There are times for open carry, but in my opinion, conceal carry is the way to go.
It seems, at times, as if even WE have forgotten a few things from our past. Open carry used to be acceptable, and was a given. 100 years ago, people felt that the only reason to conceal a gun was if one was going to use it for nefarious purposes. However, times and attitudes change, so CCW seems to be the norm.
I've heard the argument that goops will just start shooting first if we allow CCW to proliferate, and the same could be said of OC. It is a bogus argument (criminal action depends upon stealth for success, and gunshots aren't exactly "stealthy"), but with open carry, the goop would not only have to shoot first, but do it in an isolated area where other armed citizens aren't around to retaliate.
I like CCW; I want to keep 'em guessing. However, there are times when I wish I could just stick a paddle holster on my belt and not have to worry whether or not it shows. I'd like to have both options.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
I live in Arizona where open carry is legal, and on my job there is not much I can do as far as concealment. I used to wear a fanny pack, but even that got in the way at times. But, my decision to carry openly was not made wholely on my job situation. I have my CCL, so I have the option, and many times use it.

My goal is to contribute to de-sensitizing people to the sight of a gun in public. It may be politically incorrect, and I may be trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon, but I feel that it is worth it.

It has more potential to spawn a conversation that is gun related than concealed carry, and I have had a few since making this decision.

On the other hand it can bring ridicule, and this has happened a few times. If they want to ridicule, I just walk away after determining their intent.

Most of the time I am seen as an off duty LEO. And even though my customers know that I'm not, I have not lost one of them because of it.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
As Lucas noted above, open carry is legal in Colorado. In Co Springs, it's not what you'd call common, but no one ever gave me trouble about it, not even the cops.

After consideration, though, I stopped carrying open. No need to give the sheeple any cause for concern. After some friends suggested that I carry concealed (to avoid alarming the populace), I started doing so.

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
While taking my CHL class, I seem to remember a couple of studies being cited. I have no idea what the real numbers were. But I remember statements being made about the drop in crime in areas where conceled carry had recently been allowed. The statement was something like: "The BGs did not know who was armed and who was not. They simply chose to move on to easier targets."

Makes ya go.. Hmmmmmmmm

IDPA# A04739
Many thanks to all who have responded so far. I've gotten a lot of good input...keep it coming!
Does anyone know for certain the open carry rules for Utah?

I open carry frequently... and have never had a second glance, or a comment. H&Ks arnt as inviting of teasing as those pretty guns. Have yet to try packing my twin .45s though...

I have had a couple LEOs give me a look as if like "Do we know you?" but thats it.

Am I in the wrong?


You open carry frequently, but aren't certain of the rules that apply? (I open carry frequently...Does anyone know for certain the open carry rules for Utah?)


[This message has been edited by BAB (edited May 27, 1999).]

It is my understanding (since I last looked) that open carry was not permitted in Utah. But, it could have changed.

Check it out here:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>It is lawful to carry a firearm "capable of being concealed" in one’s home or place of business without a permit.

It is unlawful to carry a loaded firearm on any public street in an incorporated city.

It is unlawful to carry a firearm while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.

It is lawful (with a concealed firearm permit), to carry a loaded, concealed
firearm on any public street in an incorporated city.[/quote]

If you are doing this in an incorporated city... hehehe... I'm impressed by the moxy you're showing, and the lack of enforcing this illegal law!


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
DAMN... no it is not...

Ooops... My Bad!

Oh, well. Leason learned the easy way...

Funny, no one seemed to care...
Well, Kodiak, I still say the LEOs are just people like us, and they did not pass those stupid and illegal laws. They may not even know them. From your situation, they obviously have no interest in enforcing them.

Which means your biggest fear should probably be the rookie who has not yet figured out that he could spend his time more productively than by harassing a law-abiding citizen simply because he also has a firearm. A man who carries a gun for a living obviously realizes that not everyone who carries a gun is a criminal.

Larry P.
I don't open carry.
- I have no need (?therefore no right?)
- I don't want people to be frightened
(?by exercising my right - IF I have one?)

My, my. I'm SOOOO civilized. Sarah and Jimmy Brady would be SOOOO proud....

..."shall not be infringed"?? No need for the Second Amendment, except for stupid, drunken, ignorant rednecks and dope dealers, right?
I'll tell you why I (just "I") don't carry open. I don't have the balls.

IF it is the person - and NOT the gun - that is the threat, and
IF we have the right to carry so long as we do not create a "threatening demeanor" (whatever the hell that means!),
THEN it's just a matter of fact that we let this "right to carry" slip through our fingers and into dust.

How far must we go not to upset, worry, concern, or in any way frighten the government-teat suckers.

Frankly, I'm ashamed of myself and my ancestors for letting it become "provocative" or "frightening" (or whatever) that I no longer dare "open carry" when I stop at a grocery store and by some chips and soft drinks on the way to the range.
It's the 28th. This IS my date to feel "owly" isn't it? :D
Dear Monitors,
My name is Forrest Grump. They call me Forrest Grump!
Dennis my dear...

You may feel owly today and any other day you choose, we all should...we are entitled. We should have a national Owly Week and go on strike. :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
If you happen to live in an area that lets you carry openly.


Just once in a while... Just because you can.
And just because it pisses Bill and Sarah slam the hell off.

Slap on the irons just to go grab a gallon of milk... or rent a copy of HARD BOILED... or what not. Because it IS YOUR RIGHT!
