thoughts on a rem 740 autoloader


New member
have read in different sources that a 30 06 in a 740 loads should be no more than 4 grs under max and another source 2 grs below max. be shooting 180 grainers. comments please v. CJ
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Those rifles were designed to fire factory ammunition loaded to SAAMI industry standard pressures. But - the rifles do have a reputation for short lives, so loading to below-max pressures could extend their lives. Or not. The only other common problem was an occasional ejection issue, which was remedied by replacing the M740 with the “improved” M742.

If it were my rifle I’d not load “2 grs below max” but rather follow safe reloading practices by using a listed starting load and working up one grain at a time. I’d also remember that an extra two or three grains of powder never made any difference when shooting game suited to the rifle.

You can start with Garand loads and see if they operate the gun properly. Hornady has them for 178-grain bullets, which should be fine for your 180s. Start nudging the load up if they don't operate the gun.