Those Scary Laser Products Tactical Lights


New member
Hey List!

The other night I went over to my best friend Bill's place to meet him for dinner. Bob (his brother) and his fiance were over watching television when I arrived.

As it's summer, 90 plus degree, and 90% plus humidity here in Texas I was in shorts and a t-shirt. My Kahr K-40 was in my strongside pants pockets in a Mitch Rosen pocket holster with a spare mag in the other pocket.

As we weren't going anywhere fancy, I put my Laser Products Surefire 6P flashlight on my belt in this black Kydex horizontal carrier I bought from Massad Ayoob's Police Bookshelf several years ago before they were common.

Well, I'm talking with Bob and his fiance when she interupts me midsentence, points at my belt, and asks "what's that" in the most condescending tone. Looking down I realized she was talking about the flashlight. Bob smiles as he knows Bill and I have been WAY into guns for years.

Slipping the flashlight out of the carrier, I held it up for her to see. "It's a light," I said. She looked at the light and then back at me as though I was Batman and had pulled some little gadget off of my belt.

"Why do you carry that?" she asked with an equally naive and condescending tone.

Fighting the urge to be a smart@ss and say, "To see in the dark...DUH." I decided to put her in her place as I know she has kids from a previous marriage.

"Well," I started, "I feel it's only responsible to have a small flashlight with you when you carry a gun so you don't unintentionally shoot some innocent kid in the head when it's dark and you mistake them for a gangbanger."

Her eyes grew wide. "You're carrying a gun?"

I smiled. "That's for you to figure out."

Bob started laughing and patted her on the thigh. She didn't seem to like that either.

Bill walked in shortly after that. So I returned the 6P to its home and we left.

Anyone else had a similar experience with people that don't approve of your armed lifestyle???

These lightweight Yuppies scare easy. Hell, she named her dog Beamer after the BMW she drives. Jeez!

- Anthony
Been there.

When I was in a band, I went to our guitarist's house to assist in mixing some recorded stuff. Had my S&W Sigma in a hip holster.

Guitar-boy's SO took exception to my armed presence. I asked why she didn't trust me.

"No, it's not that, I just don't like guns!"

I looked at Matt, he looked at me, and we both looked at her.

"Do you really expect me to go off and start shooting?"

"No, but... you know, with the baby in the house..."

"So you think I'm going to give my gun to Ashley?"

"No, but..."

"So what's the problem?"

"I just don't like guns!"

After that, I made sure she wasn't around when I went to visit Matt... who owns a Stevens .22 bolt. Sheesh.
That's rich!

I actually had a woman ask me in the grocery store once about my fanny pack.

She said," Do you have a gun in that thing?"

I think I remember saying something about only carrying a bazooka or some such.

If they try to push my buttons, I push back.

For example, if the drive an "entry level" BMW or Mercedes , and they are kind of obnoxious toward me, I say with a very slight frown, "You drive one of those? Hmmmm. Interesting." Then change the subject immediately. Some (not all) of those folks are very image conscious and it really nails there low self esteem. If they pursue it, I'll tell them(very, very subtely and matter-of-factly) that Audis are actually better cars, and didn't everyone know that?

I was a BMW/Mercedes fan for years and still am, but drove an Audi S8 not too long ago. It's the same one that's in the movie"Ronin". Outstanding car........
Hey Coinneach,

The sad part is that it IS an entry level BMW she drives!!!

If it wasn't Bob's fiance I would have had a field day with her.

Wow! That was a NICE Audi...especially if you have those kick @ss wheels that the one in the movie had. I'll have to consider it later as I just bought an Artic White (GM's color classification) Pontiac Trans Am with the new LT1 Corvette engine. VROOM VROOM!

Hey, I'm turning 30 in four months (smile). Now where can I stowe my Benelli in this thing?!?!

- Anthony

P.S. Did you buy that Audi because you saw it in "Ronin"? (just kidding)
Audi vs. BMW
Sigma vs. Glock
Can't we all just get along?

I don't think there is such a thing as an 'entry level' BMW, considering that in the right hands they are still the most pleasing vehicle to drive. To me entry level is a decked-out Cavalier or Acura Integra.
As a multi-generational BMW owner, currently driving an M3, can you give me a good review of the Audi TT? I find it an attractive automobile, and am considering adding one to the stable, however I have yet to see one. Good reviews so far in some of the car mags.
If some lady points to your fanny pack and asks, "Do you have a gun in that thing?"

Smile and say, "No, I'm just glad to see you!"

Or how about this for a reply? Point to her chest and ask, "Are those real?"

If she says, "Yes", say "Me too".
If she says, "No", say "Mine is".

If she explodes and says, "That is none of your business!" you say, "Exactly."

See, I AM learning from you folks.

Winning Friends and Influencing People,

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited June 11, 1999).]
Anyone seriously into cars knows that a 'beamer' is a motorcycle, a 'bimmer' is a car. Those who refer to their cars as 'beamers' are the same variety of insecure dweebs that buy clothes with the labels or oversized logos on the outside. I won't bother y'all with a diatribe about those who know vs. those who pose beyond pointing out that those who know worked to get an education, the others use labels and decals and pretend.

I'm on my 4th BMW, I still can't drive it to it's capabilities (I can't shoot my SIGs to their capabilities, either), but that's what driver's schools (and range time/classes) are for. Of course the dilemma of educations is that on one hand there is the joy of learning and expanding one's knowledge basem which is offset by the new awareness of all the stuff you don't know.

Oops, waaay off thread. I have found it best to keep the fact that you're armed to yourself. I have some friends and acquaintances who just don't understand, and it makes them nervous, and others who think its cool, but are too casual about CCW and the last thing I want to happen is to be in a hinky situation and have someone say 'you've got a gun, do something". Nobody needs to know. M2
First they don't want us to have guns. And of course they object if we should carry a knife more substantial than a pen knife. And now flashlights? Next they will want those of us of large stature caged..............for the children. Arrrrrggggggg.
Does this *lady* have an alarm on her BMW? Does she wear a seat belt? Does she lock her doors? These are all examples of tools available to her to increase her personal safety. Ironicaly those do nothing to protect us yet if the need arose we would use our evil weapons to defend her.
Tell her you are trained to use the gun in a safe manner and it is eqipped with a safety, which is more than she can say about her tube of lipstick she (probably) applies while driving her dangerous car.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Ah, Anthony...

We are not "LIST"

Use instead, GUYS, or PEOPLE... Even DUDES.
I dont think any one here is a LIST.

I too have had similar experiences, With my sister no less, pointing out that I carry a firearm all the time! I had to educate her on the finer things in life *my novak .45 ACP. After a brief talking too, she now understands why and sees my point on why I carry all the time.

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.
My partners and I, about once a week or so get the, "Is that thing real, is it loaded."

Anthony, it was very nice, about $72,000 nice! Short off post here, but I have driven everything that BMW, Mercedes and Porsche makes, (and have worked on them too it seems)
and that 300 hp Audi is ROBUST! You know what I mean?

David H. Wright
Bring this man a
goat and a bowl of fruit
My brother first figured out I was carrying when we were at a family event. Obviously being in a zero-probability-of-crime environment, he asked why I was carrying in that situation. "To protect my gun from your kids!"
ctdonath if your family events are a "zero-probability-of-crime-enviroment" you obviously ain't a redneck.

Note to any antis and/or fense setting evesdroppers: The proceeding post was ment as humor. Being a redneck I can attest that no crime occurs at our family gatherings in spite of the presence of several firearms. There is, however, a certain amount of sex at such events. An example would be any family event in Arkansas where there is a cousin, formerly from Little Rock now living in Washington D.C. in attendance. In which case everyone gets screwed.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.