Those embarassing, ignorant women of the House!


New member
I sat there watching C-SPAN and could not believe my eyes and ears as to what was going on with those ignorant, wannabe victims of the US House of Reps. The most strident voices were coming from the women who have absolutely no clue what it is to be free to exercise freedom. There was a lot of squaking about "those guns" and how horrible they are and I just had to shake my head in disbelief. Then I realized what was going on. These are "ladies" who have never been a victim, never been raped, never been asaulted and still they were crying "wolf". How I would love to take the Maxines, the Shelias, the Marys, the lot of them to a shooting match where the Ladies of the gunsports gather to have fun and gamesmanship. They would be appaled at the fun you can have with a gun and they would meet some of the most polite people in the world at such events. These women of the "House" need to get out more often and get to know the common folk who play, relax, practice and worry about loosing their freedoms.
What i would have loved to see is the reaction that would have been garnered if some congressman had made a statement like this; "the 2nd is not meant to protect hunting or target shooting or for self defense but was placed in the Constitution so that the citizenry could kill the government if it became too overbearing, such as us in congress."
I think that would have sent Sheila Jackson Lee into an absolute tizzy, maybe that tire she has wrapped around her head would have unwound. Does this make me the biggest crank on this board now or what?
Yes, Sheila Jackson Lee must be one of the worst. What an obnoxious, ignorant, arrogrant human being. To think she comes from Texas.
Jeff, I thought coming from Texas was a requirement for being an obnoxious, ignorant, arrogant human being! Just kidding, really.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
You think Sheila Jackson Lee is bad? So do I but I've got to hear Cynthia McKinney. She's a nightmare, not to mention having to look at those horse teeth.
That crack was about as right as snowshoes on the Rio Grande!

It's not a reqirement to act like some of y'all - it's just a handy way to be understood when talking to a carpetbagger.

Y'all hurry back now, ya hear?