Those crazy Greeks


Staff Alumnus

Seems the Greeks don't like His Billness any more than we do... and they're not shy about expressing their dislike. Kinda says something about a man's popularity when people who virulently despise him have to be driven away with teargas.

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Yep...the funny thing is I am listening to the news and a blurb/quip from His Billness about these riots (paraphrasing)

He remarked about how great freedom and democracy is that these people (Greeks) can register their passions and protests because they, like the US, has a long tradition of independence and freedom. Then some stuff about how the Greeks are just like Americans because we all believe in freedom.

typical Billness drivel and obfuscation. Wonder what he'd do if he went to Waco and folks rioted doubt finish the job and kill the whole city

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
How fitting that the people who gave the world its rich legacy of democracy should rise in anger at his Billness' presence. His Billness violated an ancient Greek tradition - he should have consulted the Oracle at Delphi before visiting.

Leonidas Lives!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Those Greeks demonstrated an awsome display of hatred for Clinton. I loved every minute of it. They defide the police, teargas, and other non-leathal weaponry in order to vent their anger about clinton. I think we should get a rally like that goin ;). Just a thought.
Of course you know that the liberal spin will be that all the rioting Greeks are NRA members.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Unless the stock market collapses, you will neve r get the masses here to protest anything Big Comra`de does. But three cheers for the Greeks! Resentment has been building since the devestating bombing of Serbia, a century old ally of Greece going back to the middle ages. The corrupt puppet Greek government,always a curse in greek history, allowed logistic support for Nato aggresion against Serbia,but the masses of Greek people,like the peoples of other countries in Europe, opposed such savaagery against a innocent nation. Clinton also just signed a oil deal with Turks and Aberjazan(sp) which will let oil flow to the Turks and then to the west. This is a slap in the face to Russia , Bulgaria,Bulgaria, and Greece which had a plan to ship oil to Bulgaria and then to Greece. Clinton is a sleazy President on the make around the world and ,outside of the USA, people know him for what he is. I am not a big fan of Yeltsin(a`nother president on the make but not as bad as Clinton),but he told Clinton where to go when Slick had the nerve to critisize Russia for doing what US did in Yugoslavia(Russia attack in Cheznia). One greek demonstrator has more guts than all the US congress put together.