Thompson conversion


Staff Alumnus
Hey, look, a moderator has a Stupid Newbie Question! :D

My toy store has an Auto-Ord Thompson. For sale, even.

Now for the question: is it possible to LEGALLY convert it to FA, or would it be better to scrounge up a real one?
Forget converting it to select-fire!
Convert it to .400CorBon! Imagine the velocity gain in that long barrel. And you won't have to waive your 4th Amendment rights.
It would be better to find a real one; M1s and M1A1s run around $5500, a M1928A1 about $7500.

The only way to legally convert that gun to FA would be to 1) open a business to manufacture SMGs for the police and/or military, 2) obtain a manufacturer's license, 3) show BATF that you have requests from the police or military for such a conversion. Then you can make a demonstrator gun and any guns you get police or military orders for. But if you go out of business, you must surrender any unsold guns you have manufactured. I think the license is at least $1000.

With Auto Ordnance still supplying the very limited police and military TSMG market, I doubt another manufacturer would be approved.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited June 16, 2000).]
The tommy gun is still a kick-butt piece of American history, even if it is just semi-auto. All you need now is a 100 round drum mag.
A .45 ACP case necked down to take a .40 cal bullet. You end up with a bottle-neck case with a shoulder. Like the .357 SIG but BIGGER. 'Supposed to be quite a cartridge.

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited June 18, 2000).]
ONLY a Class 2 SOT (NFA weapons manufacturer) can MAKE a new machine gun. Cost for FFL is $500 a year and also must have an 07 FFL, $200 for 3 years. NO letter needed, but must surrender, destroy, x-fer to another dealer with a PD letter, OR give to your kid (who must be a class 2 SOT FFL) when you die.

An X is still an X with a Quarter Inch group at 100 yards
With a Quarter Inch Group on the keyboard an X could be - Z,S,D, or C.
I am a quarter inch typist - Please excuse the errors!
Wasn't Bush. Thank the conservative icon Reagan for banning the sale of new machineguns to private citizens as well as the conversion to select fire.

Byron Quick
Thanks for the info, gents. Looks like I'll just get the semi and keep it that way.

Now where the hell can I find a drum mag (not that lame 10-rounder)?
Hi, 4V50 Gary and Spartacus,

True it was on Reagan's watch that the law was changed to prohibit any more civilian machineguns. But the law against an individual converting a semi-auto to full auto goes right back to the original NFA in (I think) 1934, so Roosevelt, not Reagan, is to be blamed for that. As for Reagan, we should also blame the NRA. They wanted the FOPA so badly they didn't oppose the machinegun freeze. Reagan offered to veto the whole bill, but the NRA said no, as they wanted the Protection Act. They thought they could later get the MG provision repealed. Lotsa luck!


Sure the conversion of semi's was covered under the 1934 NFA but it was still possible to REGISTER a conversion until the 1986 law.
My Uzi was converted to selective fire by SWD in Atlanta and registered just days ahead of the deadline in 1986.

Byron Quick
Hi Spartacus,

Read my post again. I said, correctly, that an "individual" could not convert. SWD was a licensed manufacturer and could manufacture machineguns. Under the law, a machinegun could be manufactured out of raw steel or out of anything else, including a semi-auto. The 1986 law stopped any manufacture of MGs for private sale.
