This'll make ya puke !


New member
I'm re-posting this from Shooters.
I know this is a long post - I ask forgiveness in advance. This is something we must read and get out to everyone. This story is absolutely true. I know Darrell Mulroy, personally.

"We just had an interesting experience with a national talk show. Here is the text of a report I sent to a New Jersey pro gun group.
This experience will be showing up in some national pro-gun publications. About two weeks ago I got a call from a producer of the Latefah show in NY City. They wanted to do a show on kids and guns. I was told I was the ideal family being a gun family with an 8 year old son etc.

They sent a cameraman and producer to my home in Minneapolis and followed me around for two days. They taped interviews with my wife, myself and 8 year old son and constantly commented on how we were an ideal family. They showed my home security system, safe and other measures I take to protect my son. Teaching lethal force for a living we obviously have many guns on the premises.

Both men had never touched a gun in their lives being from NY City. In a short period of time I had them shooting and they LOVED it, and one intends to buy a gun as soon as the paperwork can clear in NY City. They were surprised by the nice nature of the folks at the range and the family atmosphere.

The cost for the two days was substantial with almost $2,000 just in airfare. We were told our taping date in NY City and my wife, my 8 year old son, my 23 year old daughter and myself were flown to New York City. The Motel cost them $250 per room, limo from the airport to hotel and to studio, back to hotel and the airport. Another $2,000 at least plus meal allowance.

Another producer visited us in our hotel room and said they loved us as a safe gun family and shocked us when they said they would have Eddie Eagle safety literature under every seat in the audience. Things were looking up. My son was assured he'd meet movie star Latefah and have his picture taken with her. We were told we'd be on withone someone that had lost a child or had a child injured with a gun and to expect some emotional responses. That is not a problem as I have years of radio-TV experience and my own history of talk shows. I can handle the best.

We were taken to the studios (same ones Rikki Lake uses) and taken to the green room. My 8 year old son would soon sit there for hours with nothing to do. He was a great kid. At the end of the hall was a thug hiphop group that would appear on the show.

As I went to the restroom they were on cell phones trying to get bail for a friend who was in jail. The human debris in the room looked like an episode of Cops was being taped instead of a talk show.

Numerous producers stopped by the green room and were excited about my ability to respond to questions and were excited that I spoke in "sound bites." One producer in the hall told other stafferrs, "wait until this guy gets on. It will get hot out there."

Queen Latifah then did an interview with an 8 year old kid who had taken a pistol to school in New York City where he traded it for two Pokemon cards. He admitted to being in a gang, no mother or father at home (old story) and lived with his grandmother who could not control him. His hero was a 15 year old gang member and he said he was often in trouble for various things. We went to makeup, got wired with mikes and told to get ready.

The stage director took us to the lower level and had us stand behind a door. We were told there were only seconds to go before we walked on stage. Suddenly the stage director vanished and came back and said, "follow me." We were taken to the audience and seated. I was shocked to see my daughter also seated in the audience. Queen Latifah came out and looked into the teleprompter which I would see.

She read around our introduction and adlibbed the introduction of a New York congressman who had been the defense minister for the Black Panthers. A woman who had a son commit suicide with a gun over a decade before blubbered into the camera.

Then the thug Hiphop group came out and did a filthy violence ridden song that made me blush in front of my 8 year old. As the show ended the 8 year old that had taken a gun to school was showered with love and praise and allowed to meet his thug Hiphop hero's and given CD's and T-shirts among other things.

My kid who had done nothing but act in a responsible manner around guns and taken his safety training etc., got ingored. Queen Latefah blew past him, ignored him, and us. We were hustled to the limo like burglars in the night and whisked to the airport. Even some of the friendly producers were in total shock and stunned.
We asked what had happened and we were told the decision to blow us off the show with the NRA rep they had flown in from national headquarters had come from the very "top."

This show is a Time-Warner situation we will note. My wife lost her cool and laid into them for how the 8 year old taking a gun to school was a hero and smothered with attention etc., and the kid that did it right was ignored and insulted and hurt by not meeting a movie star as promised. The producers had no response. One thing did come out as we waited for the limos to arrive and I suspect it was not by accident.
The Queen Latefah show is a produce of Rosie O'Donnel who just happened to be in NY City that day for a Christmas party at Frank's Cafe. Her and Latefah are old "chums" with strong business and possibly "personal" connections.

Suddenly the lights came on. It was pretty obvious what happened and would clearly explain why they blew off the substantial cost to support their ongoing liberal agenda.

At least we got about $10K of her money. There is no question in this case that Time-Warner and Rosie O'Donnel strongly supported and strongly backed up the behavior of a 8 year old to be in a gang and take a gun to school. The kid named Jeremy even said that part of going up the ranks in a gang was your popularity and notoriety which the show will greatly enhance.

If this is exposed Rosie and Time Warner will have a hell of a time trying to weasel out of this. In their hand they had two kids of the SAME age and one took a gun to school and is in a gang, and the other is a good student and doing everything right. One got the star treatment, one got blown off and ignored.

There isn't a lie big enough. I thought at first it may have been something towards me, but to hustle the NRA rep out the door as well made it clear it was purely a political Anti-gun agenda that someone at the last possible second acted upon. And the media wonders why shooters don't trust them and think they are anti-gun. If anyone wants more info, contact me I even have pictures I took. Darrell E. Mulroy.

You can visit Darrell's Web Page at - Plus P Technology Inc. Mpls, Minn." - Broom Handle

*Sorry 'bout the big block of text - I've fixed it now.
"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail

[This message has been edited by HS (edited December 17, 1999).]
(thanks, HS :) )

It didn't surprise me one damn bit. What did Darrel expect, *fair* treatment by the media? Pshaw. It is, as they say, to laugh.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited December 17, 1999).]
No, doesn't surprise me one bit. After all, you are a wealthy member of the privileged race (I'm assuming you're white), and the 8 year-old black boy is part of the oppressed underclasses. And the gangsta rap group, well, that's just a fair expression of their culture, isn't it? And the boy bringing a gun to school--he didn't really shoot the gun, just traded it in for Pokemon cards, right? Awwww--ain't that sweet.


Siiick, siiick, sick in da head

"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges."
(The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
To think I just got a TV this year. It may have to stay in the box.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I've known Darell Mulroy for many years on the AOL "Gun Talk" boards. (good guy, very knowledgeable) He posted this topic there. Unfortunately, he also claimed to having been a competitor on a championship team at Camp Perry matches in the early 1960's. The NRA competition division has no record of Mulroy competing in either of the years he said he might have. What does this have to do with the given topic you say? Well with his latest string of posts, (these are posted around the same time) I'm not sure whether to take this one with a grain of salt or not as well.
This sort of crap is the ultimate proof that gun owners are the most peaceful and levelheaded people in the world. Not because of Darrell's actions, but because we're all reading this and (I trust) hopping mad, yet we're not going to enact terrible, spraying vengeance upon our enemies.

We're Gandhi. But no one will ever know it.
I have taken trainin from Darrel. He's a great guy, knows a lot, great storyteller. Must be careful about taking his words seriously because he loves to bull****. Great entertainment, sometimes he tells the truth, too...sometimes he embellishes.
