This Week with Sam & Cokie & Jesse

Futo Inu

New member
We ought to have a weekly thread on the topics of this show. For those of you who don't watch, in this area it's on Sun morning from 11:00 to Noon. Sam, Cokie, George Steph., and even Repub. poster boy Bill Kristol are idiots when it comes to the Second, but the show is nevertheless entertaining because of George Will and the lively discussions.

At any rate, the part that cracked me up this week the most was, while Sam, Cokie, and George W (ill) were interviewing Jesse, after the fact was brought up that Jesse thought Oswald could not have killed Kennedy, etc., George's question was something like "Every since Ross Perot claimed that the CIA was trying to disrupt his daughter's weddding, there's been a "cloud of nuttiness" surrounding the Reform party - so does this just come with the franchise, or what?". Pretty funny. But Jesse's reply was just that he and Oliver Stone were both in Vietnam, so they don't trust the gov't. I guess my only question is, since I have enormous respect for George Will, and think this may be the only man who's got it all figured out, could it be possible that he is naive when it comes to the gov't consipiracies, or even the free trade issue (see recent thread where consensus was generally that the talking heads were all in the dark or flat sold out to the big corps. on the free trade issue - even Mr. Will?)
Is this the same writer/commentator George Will who publicly stated that the 2nd Amendment should be repealed?

If so, I think you may want to reconsider your "has it all figured out" description of him.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
Yes, this person is the same George Will who has called for the repeal of the Second Amendment and who has made numerous anti-gun statements over the years, especially in his Newsweek column. George Will is an example of a conservative who is anti-gun; Pete Wilson and William Bennett are others.

The only thing that George Will has figured out is how to patronize people with whom he disagrees. He is articulate, but this ability to speak well should not be confused with any intelligence or insight on his part, expect perhaps his contempt for Hillary Clinton, which, of course, proves that he can't be all bad.
Well, I've never heard him state that view. However, what I tell the antis is "Go for it. Repeal the second if you can. You have every right to, if you can muster the 2/3rds in the Congress and 3/4ths of the states. Just DON'T try to circumvent it UNTIL you repeal it." That's precisely why the framers required such a steep majority to amend the important provisions in the Const (all of them); so that it would be VERY unlikely. So at least George Will has the decency and respect for constitutinal law to follow the proper procedure, despite his anti-gun views (which is news to me), unlike the anti-gun pols and judges, who would rather circumvent the second by passing unconstitutional laws and making up some national guard BS. I have heard Mr. Will specifically defend CCW as a good thing on this show against Sam & Cokie (who can't figure out why anyone would "need" an "assault weapon"). I've never heard an anti-gun comment escape from him on this show, so perhaps he's seen the light recently?

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited October 11, 1999).]
Yeah, Georgie Boy ran an op-ed piece in Georgia's Macon-Telegraph about 1994-95. The title was "The Second Amendment is Irrelevant". I remember the title as I raised Hell with that concept by extending it to the other amendments. The Telegraph published my letter as they were/are pro-gun. I stopped taking him seriously as a Conservative ever since -- just another damned self-appointed elitist who knows what's good for us "little people".

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Can we repeal the First Amendment (that is if we wanted to?) DC has said it is not possible. My point is this, many have stated eloquently that the Bill of Rights simply acknowledged existing rights, and did not create them.

Many people are wrighting now about changing or repealing the 2nd. See the Octobers Harpers Magazine. We should emphasize that these are rights not granted by government, they exist without government.

The real danger is how courts interpret reasonable control of those rights.

The new emphasis on repeal or interpretation of the 2nd is a worrying trend for me.

Make no mistake about it: Even though the theory is that these rights are "natural" and pre-dated the constitution, and cannot be taken away, etc., etc.; the REALITY of the law is that rights set forth in the BOR have been and are protected by the courts; rights not enumerated are lost; this was the fear of many of the framers, and their fears have come to pass. The second is there; it has meaning; it's relevant, and the courts will eventually have to face it and enforce it. Yet still, like all other amendment, it may indeed be repealed through the proper channels (fat chance, thank God, because of the supermajority requirements). I say to anti folks "Go for it. I'd love to see you try to repeal it. All that would do would be to bring all the history and debate to the forefront, revealing the light of day as to its extreme relevancy :) , and the repeal movement would go down in flames, thereby strengthening the amendment. As it is, the current situation is much worse, with the GD traitor judges trying to make and end-run around its meaning, or just ignoring it by refusing to grant cert in the cases. Though f ing bastard S. Ct. justices are ABDICATING their constitutional duty to settle cases and controversies, and that borders on treason, if not being treason. They should be thrown out of office and jailed for refusing to uphold their duty to interpret the law. The justices are 100 times more responsible than legislators for the current sorry state of affairs.
George Will is a little prissy guy who probably got beat up alot in school!!
(You know, you could probably figure out most of the world's problems if you could figure out who got a weggie in school and then decided to go out and pass laws and make everyone pay for it!)
Bill Kristol defended CCW a few weeks back, as he lives in Virginia.
Sam has a big ranch somewhere and admitted one time he has a gun.
Sam is a little strange, but he does call a spade a spade sometimes.
Cokie? Her papa was on the Warren commision, what more do I have to say?
Yeah, Nebob, but she does it for me, somehow. I know, I know... but she's got that sumpin' about her. Bounced on Sam Rayburn's knee, grew up in the Beltway, and opposes most of the gun rights I have. But when All Things Considered comes on NPR, there I am listening. And Nightline...! :)

Why couldn't she be more like DC...?
Long Path, I know what you mean.
I like blonds and brunettes especially.
So I married a redhead!
Ah, but thats what makes life interesting...