This Still Makes Me MAD

Republicans are inept.

I can't figure out why they can't take these FACTS listed so neatly and use them against Communist Obama? The Republicans seem unable to speak out, with the truth. If Americans knew all these facts, he wouldn't be such a rock star.
All in due time. If we keep shouting it at the top of our lungs, no one will be listening in early November. There are lots of these kinds of things on the record that can be used to go after Obama.

But let's present them all at the most effective time, and in the most effective way. I can only hope the Republican campaign has a good grip on how and when to start the parade of horrors.

As of now, McCain is statistically holding his own, no matter what the mainstream media would have us believe.

The TRUTH about Obama will be brought out, it's just a question of when and how. There may not even be any big secrets, but when it's all systematically laid out in front of the people, the cumulative body of Obamas record will come as a shock to all but the extreme left.
McCain is inept. The man is throughly boring and too determined to lose by being Mr. Nice Guy. Huckabee may have had his problems but the man is every bit as charming as the Messiah Obama and every bit as great a public speaker and a lot funnier and much faster on his feet. He would have made a complete fool out of Obama in any debates. But noooooowe have to run the boring guy. :confused:
McCain is inept.

The really sad thing is that a few years ago I would have voted for him. I just don't see that happening now. I certainly won't be voting for gun grabbing Obama either. While I doubt that if Obama was elected he'd start a gun grab, I certainly think his voting record stands for itself. Sad that McCain and Obama are the best we've got.
Well it's fact time, pros and cons. It's best when making judgments on things with alot of variables to look at it from the worse case scenario. Let's say that the candidate elected performs the acts you most wish they wouldn't but were aware they either intended to or it matched their track records.

McCain allows the Bush tax cuts to expire and maintains the open border polocies of today and even passes a 'cabon tax' . The result would be a failed re-election bid and a new crop of Republicans to choose from in 4 years that can cut taxes again and close the border. Essentially un-doing whatever McCain may do that his successor disapproves of and has mandate to accomplish.

With Obama you STLL get the taxes and illeagal imigrations PLUS more gun control AND socialized medicine. Probably in a seemingly benign form initially but the fix gets in. This single action will become an the entitlement program that makes Social Security look like small potatoes and will be impossible to undo. Social Security benefits are received by a few but health care is to be received by ALL. That's the promise of Obama and Democrats at large. Imagine getting retirees to vote to have Social Security halted and their benefits ended. How much more difficult to have that happen when the entitlement is received by everyone.

It's time to look to our Congressional races. The reality is only your House Representative represent you and is expected to act based upon the will of the majority of individuals withing their district. Senators are to Represent their State's interest and the President the Nations interests. We are a Republic remember, NOT a Democracy as is so often misunderstood. We have a Democratically Elected Representative Republic which is a form of Democracy.

Remember, a straight DEMOCRACY cannot work because the citizens will discover the ability to vote themselves the wealth of the treasury (we call them entitlements) and destroy the democracy. Historically a dictator or invader follows soon after.

Reagan and Goldwater are still dead and their reincarnations didn't run this cycle. The conservative ideal still endures and will take a lot more then John McCain's election to stifle. It's not an 'idea' that can lose favor but rather an affirmation of the greater part of men that believes people can do far more then they think they can and possess a worth realized only be their OWN desire to excel rather then to languish.

When given a choice that is fraught with variables, make your decisions so as to maintain an exit strategy.
Kreyzhorse wrote
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sholoing wrote
McCain is inept.
The really sad thing is that a few years ago I would have voted for him. I just don't see that happening now. I certainly won't be voting for gun grabbing Obama either. While I doubt that if Obama was elected he'd start a gun grab, I certainly think his voting record stands for itself. Sad that McCain and Obama are the best we've got.

The problem of not voting for McCain is that we'll have a repeat of the Jimmy Carter election, when it wasn't that Carter got so many votes, it was that Ford got so few. please realize that NOT voting for one candidate doubles the value of a vote for his opponent as it takes two votes to overcome the imbalance.

And as much as I hate - even fear to say it, I honestly believe that an Obama presidency may herald in the end of the US as we know it.

I greatly fear that Obama may call in UN troops to do what he won't be able to get US troops to do, and if he does, it'll be me against the blue hats until I run out of bullets or take one myself.

I sometimes imagine long lines of impromptu (literal meaning: without prompting - no one had to tell them to do it) citizen militia men and women armed to the teeth and standing at the ready along side the runway of any airport foolish enough to allow a UN troop carrier to land.

Then the world will know the value and meaning of the Second Amendment.

All the best,
I greatly fear that Obama may call in UN troops to do what he won't be able to get US troops to do, and if he does, it'll be me against the blue hats until I run out of bullets or take one myself.

I won't be voting for Obama, but the above quote is just plain silly!:rolleyes:
please realize that NOT voting for one candidate doubles the value of a vote for his opponent as it takes two votes to overcome the imbalance.

I can almost agree with you on this one, but I'm just not sure I can play the lessor of two evils this time through....

I greatly fear that Obama may call in UN troops to do what he won't be able to get US troops to do, and if he does, it'll be me against the blue hats until I run out of bullets or take one myself.

I'm just not buying that if Obama gets elected we'll become governed by UN troops however....
I greatly fear that Obama may call in UN troops to do what he won't be able to get US troops to do, and if he does, it'll be me against the blue hats until I run out of bullets or take one myself.

It's not the UN you have to worry about. What if the Queen of England turns up dual toting Uzi's. Where do you think Chuck Norris learnt that?

Hell, McCain may have been in Vietnam, but Lizzie is a WWII vet. What are you going to do against the greatest generation? Huh? Huh?
"But let's present them all at the most effective time, and in the most effective way. I can only hope the Republican campaign has a good grip on how and when to start the parade of horrors."

they need to do it late September, early October, one right after the other.

In boxing when you're opponent is dazed and stumbling you don't let him stand there and get himself back together, you keep pounding him until he goes down
I sometimes imagine long lines of impromptu (literal meaning: without prompting - no one had to tell them to do it) citizen militia men and women armed to the teeth and standing at the ready along side the runway of any airport foolish enough to allow a UN troop carrier to land.

No way, too many sheeple, are you crazy?
McCain is inept.
How did this become an "attack McCain" thread? :confused:

Maybe there is more to the story than we know and McCain is too smart to go down that road. Maybe the legislature threw a bunch of pork into the bill and Obama and others went on record as opposing it for that reason.

Does anyone know the entire content of the bill and why it was vetoed?
Please realize that if you vote for Mccain you will see an identical republican candidate in the next election. Obama can fix a lot of our foreign policy problems simply b/c he has no enemies abroad. Make sure you get the senators and representatives in to control him legislatively and send the republican party a strong message that you are tired of lousy candidates.
We have many choices. These are among them:

1] Vote Obama and hope for a mid-term backlash in Congress to make it swing GOP.

2] Vote Obama, appease the Middle East, get cheaper oil for a while, wait for the A-bomb to go off in Manhattan.

3] Vote McCain, drill for oil in Alaska and offshore, build nuke plants (do Mexicans know how to build nuke plants?).

4] Vote McCain, continue to spend lots of money to turn Iraq into Bangladesh, be surprised when they're not grateful.

5] Vote McCain, save Saudi Arabia from an expansionist Iran, be surprised when they're not grateful.

6] Vote Obama, let Israel fight Iran, be surprised by how ungrateful we are.