This seem definitely gun related.

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((Couldn't edit "seem" to "seems")) You don't have to be guilty to be convicted, anymore. 2d Amendment Foes Tighten Their Nooses. So Be forewarned, Gun-owner; IT'S NOT political, and do not kid ourselves, gentlemen. THEY WANT ALL OF OUR GUNS. By one small millimeter at a time "they" will demonize the gun, marginalize the gun-owner, and make their move "to make the nation safer for all Americans" by removing the threats ( that's "Us".) The real threat to "them" is the 2d amendment, NOT just the gun it defends. The secondary threat to "them" is anyone who defends that amendment ( that's "Us") and owns a gun. Whether it be the "Automatic" (a demonizing word) that was used to assassinate a doctor, or the pre-ban, unregulated auto-loader (another set of demon words) .22 cal. long-gun that assassinated the guard in D.C., "they" want them all, and "they" want us. Us; they want you, and me. Wise up. What are you prepared to do? At 0300 the knock on your door may not be a neighbor asking for a cup of flour. When the hue-and-cry is "No guns for white supremacists", where will you be? Marginalized? When the hue-and-cry for "No guns for abortion opposers" heralds a new confiscation scheme, where will you stand? Marginalized a little bit more. It does not matter about how you really feel about those two particular causes, because the REAL, ROOT cause is "CONFISCATION": by any means. Demonize the gun; marginalize and label the gunowner; confiscate "For the good of society (or whatever.) The next major causal event will likely be closer to the bone in D.C. And very high up. "Homeland Security" high up. Don't say you were not forewarned. "They" will choreograph any scenario in order to demonize the gun further. The handwriting has been on the wall for a long time. Did you read it? It's never been LESS about Bambi.
So, what type of discussion are you really trying to convey? Looks like to me you're just stirring up the "Sky is Falling" scenario.

This isn't needed and it's why this is closed.
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