This is why I don't walk into gun shops...


New member
Because I walked out with a rifle I didn't plan to buy. It's a real beauty anyways!

These words translate to:
(of the) USSR
at Tula

A little bit of info now. A few days ago a friend and I decided to go into a LGS to kill some time and just look around. Upon entering we discovered a crate of mosin nagants they had on the floor for $200 each. Both of us thought no big deal probably just regular ol' M91/30's or something. After looking closer we discovered they were all 1920's dated hex receivers! Long story short... we both walked out with one. I specifically looked for both the oldest one I could find, and a Tula since I didn't have any mosins made at Tula. This is my third mosin nagant now (already have an M44 and M91/30 that is a project rifle).

Now a little about the rifle. I am not as knowledgeable about these as some of you on here are, but I believe this is an ex-dragoon? If I understand correctly from, the sights are changed, and the stock is a 91/30 stock, but otherwise everything else is the same as a dragoon? All the serial numbers match on it too with the exception of the magazine.

The stock I did end up refinishing partly because it was pretty badly chipped, and partly because it was absolutely caked in cosmoline which I couldn't get off without chipping it further. I don't think it will hurt the value too much as I don't think it's the original stock, and I don't ever plan on selling this rifle anyways. Everything else on the rifle is in pristine shape though; It doesn't even have a speck of rust which is owed to being properly stored with cosmoline. Even the bore and rifling are still in pretty decent shape for a rifle this old.

Anyways, just wanted to share this pretty amazing find for a pretty amazing price. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet; I can't imagine it's any different than my other two anyways.
This is why I don't walk into gun shops...
Because I walked out with a rifle I didn't plan to buy. It's a real beauty anyways!

They always are !!!

I saw one of those in a movie on cable this week. Russian sniper in St. Petersburg ,WWII, funny to see the proper period gun in a movie. The German had a nicer rifle and scope.
I saw one of those in a movie on cable this week. Russian sniper in St. Petersburg ,WWII, funny to see the proper period gun in a movie. The German had a nicer rifle and scope.
For God's sake, what was the name of the movie?!!! :confused: That is the kind of movie I live for!
BUT, the import mark electro penciled on that otherwise beautiful hex receiver!:eek:
Too bad they didn't try to hide it a little better up on the muzzle somewhere. Don't think I would have had much trouble walking away from that one. After of course shaking my head in disgust!
Yeah they could have done a better job with the placement of the import markings. Oh well, doesn't bother me a whole lot. For $200 I couldn't pass up buying a hex receiver that also happens to be the oldest mosin I've seen in person. These days it can be hard to find just regular old 91/30 for $200 around here.
BUT, the import mark electro penciled on that otherwise beautiful hex receiver!
Too bad they didn't try to hide it a little better up on the muzzle somewhere. Don't think I would have had much trouble walking away from that one. After of course shaking my head in disgust!

Yep. Worst place to put the import mark on a Mosin. Also the gun looks to have been refinished at some point, it's in too good a shape.
I agree that a discreet stamp on the bottom of the barrel would have been preferable, but it could have been worse:

Also the gun looks to have been refinished at some point, it's in too good a shape.

You're talking about the metal right? I would have to agree that it was most likely reblued, probably when it was re-worked from a dragoon to 91/30 configuration.

Being refurbished by the Russians (and stock by me) as well as the import marks does not bother me in the least bit. It might seem like the markings pop right out in my close up, but in person they are not really all that noticeable.

This will likely be my last mosin nagant too. I'd only consider buying another if I could find a pre 1900 example. That's probably somewhat of a long shot however.
The wood may well have been refinished as well. I've never seen one that looks like that. I think you are the owner of a refinished rifle.
And for $200 who cares as long as it shoots. No need to pay $200 for a wall hanger. Great find, enjoy it.

That was my thinking exactly. For $200 I got a mosin nagant that is nice looking, relatively rare, and I can shoot!
Duel of the Master Snipers

It surely is a beautiful rifle...nice find --- I would have grabbed that rifle off the selling table or gun rack in a second, if I saw it and never let it go.:D

I don't have a Tula...but I do have three Izzys, including a M91/30, 1943 sniper rifle, with all matching numbers, except for the scope.

If you're interested...I have a thread {Above Top Secret forum} on Vasily Zaitsev's true story on: The Deadly Game at Stalingrad, Duel of the Master Snipers, by Vasily Zatsev, from the Soldier of Fortune magazine - September, 1979 --- The article is reprinted from the October 1972 Soviet Defense Ministry, Red Star publishing house.

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I realize I'm a little late to this game, but I was wondering if you've had a chance to shoot your new gun yet.

Also, I don't believe the metal has been refinished. Look closely at the markings on the barrel, and you can see where the stamps slightly squished the metal upwards around the edges. This proud metal would have been the first thing to disappear if it were sanded down or buffed.
Nice rifle but refinishing the stock will always hurt the value. Best to leave it as is. Think im up to about 10-12 mosin nagants.
Looks real nice, the first one I bought was some years ago. A 34 from Tula. I like it and it was before they started putting import marks on everything. Not sure when that started, but I don't like em. Even if it's really not a collectible, I think they're an eye sore.
Yours looks real good though. And it is pretty old. I would like to find an original 91 some day, but I doubt that'll happen.
refinishing the stock will always hurt the value.

Assuming there is some value to be hurt...:)

50 years ago, that rifle might have brought $200 (a pretty penny in those days) because they were RARE.

20 years ago they were selling for $79 or less, being imported by the thousands.

They cost a few dollars more these days, but their VALUE is approximately the same. (low). And it will stay that way for some time to come, until there are only a few GI issue guns left on the market. Then they will be rare, again, and collectors will pay more to get one.

it was before they started putting import marks on everything. Not sure when that started,

Import marking became required by the GCA 68. Guns already in the country then, and guns brought in as "war trophies" didn't get them. Guns commercially imported for sale, did, and have, ever since.