THIS is what compromise gets you!

The Age newspaper has a real gem ...

Read it for yourselves at:

It may not be there long. This is exactly what I foresee for the USA, especially after reading the transcript of the Dodgy Twins ... ooops, Mr and Mrs Clinton's ... speech on gun control "for the children". Once they get away with that first "little" step, there's no stopping them, and no reversing what has been done.

"All you need to do is go to a firearms dealer, fill in the applications, prove you are a member of a shooting club, (and don't)
have a history of violence or mental illness," she said. that all? That does seem a litle lax. Have they considered banning knives and forks yet? How about pointed sticks?

- Ron V.

They are considering a knife ban in Australia also according to an article I saw.

What are you Australians of the gun culture going to do if it passes?
Ah, "... the 'unpleasant and difficult' people in the gun lobby ... " Well, I resemble that remark. ;)

Interesting how "unpleasant and difficult" people can become when you are trying to strip their rights to self-defense. Especially, from what we read, in a country where crime has been increasing ever since their first move to strip Aussies of their self-defense rights. Tsk, tsk.

If Spartacus is right, they'll have to "throw another shrimp on the barbie". They won't be able to cut up their mutton into bite-sized morsels! ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 29, 1999).]
Spartacus: Yes, "they" are working on banning "certain" knives (such as collectibles, "combat" or "survival" knives etc.), as well as banning advertising for them (to "destroy the knife culture"!!)

What will we do?? Well, knives ain't been registered here, and no one knows who has what ... so I guess we'll do what anyone else would --- and just ignore the a***holes. ;)