This is what Amerika is coming to? - Jail time for not cutting your grass?


New member
I wonder how repeat offenders right to own firearms could be impacted in the future if laws like this are passed with increasing penatlies? I could not imagine that failing to cut your lawn could land you in jail!!! Next it will be a felony to NOT cut your grass, with a year in jail! :mad::barf::eek:,2933,362144,00.html

CANTON, Ohio — Homeowners who don't mow their grass in this northeast

Ohio city now face stiffer penalties — including possible jail time.

The city council unanimously passed a law Monday that makes a second high-grass violation a fourth-degree misdemeanor carrying a fine of up to $250 and as many as 30 days in jail.

The previous law only made the first violation a minor misdemeanor, with a fine of up to $150 but no jail time. The new law is to take effect in 30 days.

"This is the type of action we need to take in order to clean up our neighborhoods and our city," Mayor William J. Healy II said.

The laws are an effort to reduce the roughly $250,000 the city spends to cut about 2,000 private lots each year and to address public complaints, Councilman Greg Hawk has said.
That is pathetic. A, pardon the pun, "grass roots" organisation in this city is needed to kick these individuals out of office.
Wow you cant take care of your own lawn.........

Can I also call in about un-sightly hairstyles and make the city cut those peoples hair?

My dog loves to run through tall grass thats why I dont cut it. (Its in the backyard of course)
What is America coming to?

Based on Canton, Ohio, a bunch of lazy slobs who won't mow their lawns and who repeatedly get cited for the infraction.

Of course, you could either get involved in Canton, OH politics or you could leave the country if it displeases you.
Overgrown lawns draw vermin and pests and two legged vermin who do bad things. Be a good neighbor and mow your grass. I pay somebody to cut my grass way cheaper than any he does a nice job on the hedges.
Overgrown lawns draw vermin and pests and two legged vermin who do bad things. Be a good neighbor and mow your grass.

That many be true, but its not the government business to tell folks to do it.
When did the lawn nazi's come into power? I'm sure the courts and judicial system have a lot bigger things to worry about than the length of somebody's grass.
but its not the government business to tell folks to do it
Really? Why not? Government is already in so much that it shouldn't be, what's one more little thing?
Once the floodgates are open, who's going to stop it?
There was plenty of opportunity to stop the advance of government control at higher levels, over bigger issues. Since it wasn't stopped there, there is no reason to stop it here.
Sieg Heil(Hail to Victory), Big Government (even in low places).
I'm torn on this one. I hate that the government is wasting its time and resources dealing with this type of stuff. But the same token, my neighbor cuts his grass once every three weeks if it needs it or not. I get mighty tired of looking at it. :o
I hate cutting my grass. If I could do as I please I'd pour concrete and paint it green. I don't even care if it was green. It could be purple as long as I wouldn't have to cut it.
Cut your lawn or else :eek:
Overgrown lawns draw vermin and pests and two legged vermin who do bad things. Be a good neighbor and mow your grass.

Unkempt yards depreciate the value of neighboring homes. Now go ahead and tell me with a straight face that you would mind at all that you couldnt sell your house because your jackass neighbor decided to "stick to the man" and not mow his lawn. :(

Go take care of your dang grass.
Unkempt yards depreciate the value of neighboring homes. Now go ahead and tell me with a straight face that you would mind at all that you couldnt sell your house because your jackass neighbor decided to "stick to the man" and not mow his lawn.

True statement. I wouldn't have bought the house I'm in had I known what the neighbors were like before I bought it.
Maybe they wouldn't have bought theirs if they knew there was going to a gun nut with an weapons arsenal and ammunition stockpile next door.

For a forum that's all for personal property rights, personal freedonms, hates big government and thinks leo's should butt out, I find it strange that people here think others should be sent to prison for having long grass.
I didnt say they should go to prison. And where is the gun nut with the arsenal and the stockpile of ammo?...I want to shake his hand.

Now stop the knee jerking and start thinking.
Maybe they wouldn't have bought theirs if they knew there was going to a gun nut with an weapons arsenal and ammunition stockpile next door.

Maybe they'll sell!!!!!!!!! Maybe they'll SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
One more reason to live in the boonies with the nearest neighbor a couple of miles down the road. I cut mine but I don't want anybody telling me I have to. I'd prefer plain old dirt myself.
This is why I won't klive in town. My grand mother lives in a town of 260 people. No police, city parks or the like her property taxes are $1,100 for two lots and a 3 bedroom house single story house.

I realize this is in town. But on a similar note how many farms have been forced out becuase some new neighbor complained of the smell? As far as I'm concerned unless your name is on the title butt out. Your authority stops at the property line.