This is the most dangerous bill in memory!


New member
And this jackwad could be our next president!!!

I heard this on the news this morning. Everybody in America should know what kind of global social fascist this guy is. If he has his way, say goodbye to American sovereignty. Letting the UN dictate how much $$$ we set as foriegn aid, and dictate where it goes? Banning small arms globally? This already passed the brain dead House!!!
I keep telling people about these liberal loons, and I am told that I worry too much about nothing. VOTE WISELY!

You can see the Senate grilling a baseball player about steriods 24 hours a day, and this is flying under the radar? If that story is accurate it's absolutely stunning.
Yet another reason why pro-gun people should go vote for their members of Congress, even if they don't want to vote for McCain. The president is not (yet) a king, so there is more than one way to prevent this kind of nonsense from becoming a reality.

Everyone looks at the presidency as the big prize, and it is, but it is not the ONLY prize. A Republican Congress kept Bill Clinton from doing all the damage he had hoped to do.
Not yet a king no and hopefully we wont ever have a Alexander Hamilton, Nathaniel Gorham or Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben that tries to do something like put us under a Monarchy however the Executive branch is definitely not within Checks and Balances of the constitution. If the President wanted to he could with a minor event the execute the Continuity of Government plan which effectively makes him Chancellor of the United States with all State and Local LEA under Homeland Security. Congress will be playing a more scaled back role than they already do.

With McCain we will get to pay for not just the UN but we get to pay for the new League of Democracies.
its not only Obam's legislation

Cosponsors [as of 2008-02-14]
Sen. Joseph Biden [D-DE]
Sen. Maria Cantwell [D-WA]
Sen. Christopher Dodd [D-CT]
Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL]
Sen. Russell Feingold [D-WI]
Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]
Sen. Charles Hagel [R-NE]
Sen. Richard Lugar [R-IN]
Sen. Robert Menéndez [D-NJ]
lets blamme all of the including President Bush according to the letter by the Evangelical Lutherin Church's letter to all Representatives.

"To cosponsor the Global Poverty Act, please contact Mark de la Iglesia in Representative Adam Smith’s office at or Jason Britt in Representative Spencer Bachus’ office at

Thank you for your consideration and continued commitment to making global poverty history.


Bread for the World
Episcopalian Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Heifer International
International Rescue Committee
Population Institute
Mercy Corps
Lutheran World Relief
National Audubon Society
National Wildlife Federation
Save the Children
United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society
United Nations Association of the USA" - 22k -

So now we have Obama catering to a directive of the President on legislation supported by a Christian Church and its Obama's legislation. If he did not support the concept he'd be at fault for not following the Christian directives of Americans. Talk about mixed political finger pointing.
It does not matter to me what anti American nutcases support this legislation. It is wrong, and we should all contact our Reps and Senators and tell them so. I know I will. There are a lot of add ons to this bill. How would you like it if you told your 8 year old that he could not stay out after dark and he was able to sue you? This is worse than a "nanny state" this is the world nanny state, and it makes the UN the nanny! This is NUTS!!!


write letters

The bill is not going to get stopped until the letters flow in. Not email not Internet petitions good old fashion letters from voters.

Just because I pointed out who else signed on or supports this does not mean my letter of opposition will not get sent. Bad legislation is just bad legislation period.
Not just no, but HELL NO !!!!

My taxes support enough slackers in the US. Why should we support worldwide slackers?

This dumb **** has got to go back to the rock he crawled out from.
I'm not seeing it

Sorry, but I'm not seeing this is a different path than was currently set. Also, I don't see anywhere in the article you provided that they are after our guns in this. Don't get me wrong, the UN does want our guns, but this is not a global ban on small arms your talking about with this Global Tax.

I'm not happy that we are looking at paying .7% of our GDP for this, but this is what you get when you had the Bush admin for the last 7 years. What have they done? NOthing! John Bolton was the best thing to hit the UN in years, and he's gone now to.

I really doubt the UN will ever be able to take our guns. This topic was also discussed prior in other posts. They don't have the power. Let them come here in their green helmets to try.

Also, Macmuffy, I think your description of poverty outside of the US is a bit of a simplification. These people are living under brutal dictators, and don't have personal freedom like we enjoy in the US to take control.

This is classic, you have republicans on this one to. Really, this has been coming for a long time.
quote from Yomama:

... Also, I don't see anywhere in the article you provided that they are after our guns in this. Don't get me wrong, the UN does want our guns, but this is not a global ban on small arms your talking about with this Global Tax.

Paragraph eight.

"In addition to seeking to eradicate poverty, that declaration commits nations to banning "small arms and light weapons"

Paragraph 8 in the Millenium Declaration yes. This is not new again. This has been in print since 2000.

To clarify I do not see the "Global Tax" specifying gun bans.

Do not get me wrong, again, the UN wants our guns. But this new Tax bill is not it.
This is the most dangerous bill in memory!

You must have Alzheimers. It was previously introduced in 2005 and died. As noted, it isn't only Obama's. On top of that, it isn't only in the Senate, the House has their version, H.R. 1302 introduced by Adam Smith and others.
That's a good reason why this next election will be so important. There's no question Hillary would rubber stamp it into law. I don't believe McCain would with his commitment to no new taxes but we have heard that one before by the guy that just endorsed him. The chances are at least better that he wouldn't.

The backers are socialists that will not stop until they take over the world. It's their way of life, their religion, their reason for being. They do it the way socialists have always done it, through a steady diet of deceit and propaganda. We have been losing our ability for critical thinking with all the non thinking activities we pursue, TV, movies, video games, etc. Public schools are a key ingredient in the early conditioning process of the masses, emphasizing self esteem and collective thinking over academics.

My hope is that we wake up before the global socialists gain control of US sovereignty with world courts, gun control and taxation rights. I don't think most of the politicians supporting that bill really realize what they are doing, they are nothing less than the useful idiots Karl Marx preached about.
Actually it isn't true. This is just another example of political pornography.
Dislike Obama if you want and vote for whomever you please but at least base your decision on fact and not on gross distortions by the far right wingnuts.
Actually it isn't true. This is just another example of political pornography.
Dislike Obama if you want and vote for whomever you please but at least base your decision on fact and not on gross distortions by the far right wingnuts.
What isn't true? You neglected to mention any facts.
Once again, I refer you to this direct quote from the report.

In addition to seeking to eradicate poverty, that declaration commits nations to banning "small arms and light weapons"

Tell me why Mr. obama is pushing for passage of this bill again?

DN Spy, No, I don't have a memory problem, but thanks for asking. I simply was not made aware of this (If it was the same bill) in 2005.

Also, to the left wing folks here, I ask you. Is it not important that we know where our potential Presidential candidates stand on certain issues that are important to us on a GUN FORUM!!!

It does not matter if this came up before and was beaten, the fact is that Barrack is sponsering and pushing for things that are making most of those buried in Arlington roll over in their graves. Read the darn link before you post! I admit that it gets a little confusing with the bill being based on the earlier 2000 millenium declaration, but as I said, a US Presidential hopeful is backing and pushing for this socialist hogwash. You libs can't see the forest for the trees. I swear this country must be going completely nuts even considering this fascist for our highest office!

I still have to chuckle at the title they chose for a tax bill:

"Global Poverty Act,"

As was said by the Bard, "The truth will out."

