this is not midnight cowboy


I'm going to drive with a buddy to CA from Las Vegas NV to San fransisco within hours in his car.

I'm taking a bus (greyhound) with out an CCW in minutes when I get there back to Veges.

No knifes, no pepper srays, no gun (REALY?) no zap guns.

Ok, I'm at a pen to poke there eyes out, but I'll be sued.

What else should I do, or what should I bring?
How about: Bow, Cross-Bow, roll of Quarters, Whip, expandable baton, sack full of batteries, straight razor, sling shot....

I try to stay in states that let me carry a gun. When I have to travel via airplane I leave my gun at home. It is what it is - don't know how else I can help you.:confused:
Go get you a decent size master lock, six feet of 550 ( para cord )...that should be all you can use the lock as brass knuckles or attach the 550 to it and you have a blunt mace...remember those are perfectly leagle to carry with you..however it is what you intend to do with them that could make them I would keep the 550 and lock separated in two different pockets :)
This is not a drill

I just called my buddy (USAF) and told him I'm driving (9:30am Specific) with him his German car to Hollywood/CA. He's moving to Guam for 2-3 years.
I just called him a few hours ago inviting myself to tour the desert from Vegas to Las Angels. I'm taking the Greyhound back, hence the Midnight Cowboy theme. Wish me luck with no damned gun.:D

Thanks for the advise, see ya tomorrow.

By the way, can I carry hair spray, I mean pepper spray? I'm not going to even ask about a stun gun!:D f-n Kali:rolleyes:

Well, I have an hour to get an extra pair of underwear ready, and a role of toilet paper. Been there, it's been just 20 years though. See ya in Vegas.

No time to look up laws, but I'd like to bring the pepper spray. I don't mind them taking it from me, I just don't want to go to jail for it.

Getting in the shower, leaving soon.

FYI it 54*F high today, 61*F low tonight, and 54*F high tomorrow.
this is not midnight cowboy

Why no knife or pepper spray? Perfectly legal. Keep it at 3" or less and you will have nothing to worry about. Wear a Mag Lite, too. You'll be more than set...

Have fun in SF. BEAUTIFUL city & GREAT food.
Most over the counter pepper sprays are legal in California, unless it has some restrictions on the can like "LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY" and you have to show some form of LE credentials to buy it you should be fine. Batons are a nice and easy way to get hooked for felony possession of a deadly weapon in this state.
I've never been to Iraq.....nor San Francisco - they both seem just about as foreign to me. Maybe wearing flowers in your hair and a haze of marijuana smoke around you acts like Kevlar ballistic vest in SF? Do your research, and good luck.:D
I've been to LA, San Diego, and San Francisco several times and never needed any sort of weaponry. I survived OK, you might too. Don't worry so much about it and just have a good time with your friend.
I vote for the knife. Just keep it hidden in your pocket. I'd carry a cheaper one in case they take it away.

Don't let the trouble maker see it. Keep it hidden in the reverse grip or under you opposite arm. Behind your led works well. Get close and.........
Take a good book, maybe a magazine as well. Don't forget some snacks and drink. Wear comfortable clothing.

Oh and leave the paranoia at home.
My advice, and I am not trying to be a smartass, is, if you are so concerned about a short trip without a weapon; STAY HOME!
The one gent received a very stern look from an irate woman, so the vpc classified it as a failure

OK I was wrong, one guy has done this successfully :) so now is his chance to make it two....

Get a spray bottle like the corner window washer dudes use. Fill it wit hwater and epson salts make sure the sals get dissolved. Use this on anyone gets after you in the eyes. You will have plenty of time to get away.

I carried a squirt gun like that when I went to school in a bad part of town in 7th grade. Usedd it on a guy wanted my lunch money, he is still howling....was 45 years ago...
I'm with the other Doc --

Go to Walgreens or CVS or Rite Aid.

Get yourself a thick heavy hardwood (not aluminum) cane for that hurt knee of yours.

Perfectly legal.

Then avoid problems...and enjoy the ride!

Best with it...