This is just too much!


New member

It really makes me wonder just what it going on! The smoke has hardly cleared and yet here they are. It almost, almost , almost (If I say it enough, maybe I can convince myself) looks like this way prepared for well in advance. I mean, come on. How can they dig this up, put it together on a web site, and have all this info ready to publish? Yeah, maybe the little crud that did the shooting called them up and gave them the inside story. Disgusting. Utterly disgusting. Dancing in the blood at it's worst, IMNSHO!

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

I would say you're correct -- the basics for each state and each major gun manufacturer would be prepared in advance, just waiting for the tragedy.

Add a few relevant details to "customise" the info and there you go.

I had to leave when I started grinding my teeth together so hard I thought I would chip the enamel.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The Violence Policy Center is a national non-profit educational foundation that conducts research on violence in America and works to develop violence-reduction policies and proposals. The Center examines the role of firearms in America, conducts research on firearms violence, and explores new ways to decrease firearm-related death and injury.[/quote]

I know I am the new person here, but can I ask a question? Do these people just focus on firearm related deaths and injuries, or do they also tackle things such as knives, cars, etc? Things that also kill and injure.
?? Just wondering.


~*~Forgive my ignorance, I am here to learn! :) ~*~
The VPC seems to be focussed on guns as the root of all evil. No guns = no violence, and clubs, knives, fists and feet haven't yet crossed their horizon.

After all, haven't you felt the virulent emanations from your nasty old handgun working on your psyche, persuading you to carry it with you on a visit to the local Stop'n'Rob for a "paycheck augmentation"?

:), Art
Did you read the articles on the "Selling of Y2K"? WTF, as if we are being compelled to rush out and buy guns and ammo just because a magazine says it might be a good idea.
Of course the magazines are pushing Y2K, it is an issue to be covered like any other. Yes it might boost sales of firearms, but no one is twisting my arm to buy a new AR15 or a case of ammo.
If you read the info on their website, one would believe that there is nothing to worry about with Y2K. They (VPC) state that goverment agencies have taken precautions, and updated computer systems. Why then would government agencies give Y2K preparedness information to people? They are covering their asses, just as we would be covering ours. It is better safe than sorry IMO.
It is very suspicious that they would just happen to be able to gather all that information on the shooting, assemble the data and create a website in the span of what, maybe 12 hours? They had this ready to go, or got some people working on it right away, I am sure they were so concerned with those children who were shot. Bastards crying crocodile tears!
VPC is against guns only. They use guns to extort money from people, plain and simple. There is little difference between what they do and what an armed robber does. They use threats of violence to gain contributions. There are a number of legitimate organizations that work to reduce injury from firearms on both sides. VPC ain't one of them. Their position is so blatantly laid out it isn't worth the trouble to dig deeper into how much money goes to support the salaries, vs how much is actually put to use. As a 501(c)(3) orginization they offer tax incentives to donators. I would suspect that for every $1.00 donated, $.90 some cents goes into the pockets of the staff. The absolute last thing in the world they want is a ban of all guns because it would stop the flow of money.

VPC and Join Together are 2 orginizations that make the most of cashing in on how people in general react to guns, and exploit it for their own ends. 501(c)(3) charitable contribution regulations are a licence to steal for them. Read what VPC says, then come back in here and ask what about anything that they say. It will make for some interesting threads.

Nice to see you in here. Don't ever be afraid to ask about anything, we don't bite. Sometimes a few of the moderator's will invite a bite though ;) (Inside joke, stick around and you'll see it happen)

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
Isn't it illegal for them to post that page from the Taurus online catalogue? I am about to e-mail Taurus about it.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
Friends, folks like those at VPC don't even let the poor bodies chill before they start using them for their political agenda. The very day Columbine occurred I checked VPC's and HCI's web sites - they were updated for Columbine within a couple hours of the first shots, and well before the end of that day. These people are ruthless.

Lori, what you will find is that the anti-self defense movement doesn't care one bit about the millions of times guns are used to terminate violence and protect life. They look at only one-half of this cost / benefit equation.

Most decisions in life are based upon weighing the costs and benefits of a proposed course of action. Ignoring for a moment the substantial issues of Constitution and human rights, the gun issue also contains costs and benefits. The costs are obvious - the waste of human life and terrible injury from the criminal and negligent uses of firearms. The benefits are less obvious, but actually much more common - the defense of life and property from criminal abuse, often without firing a shot. (Consider reading 'The Best Defense', by Robert Waters - thankfully, a member here at TFL and an excellent author.)

Ask yourself this - if handguns are only used to kill people, then why do LEO's ('law enforcement officers') carry them? To terminate violence - not to kill or maim. That is the same reason honest civilians carry them - to terminate violence.

I know I go on and on, so I apologize. But, one more point. To show you how biased and illogical VPC is, they had offered a study of concealed carry permit holders in Texas. They had all these statistics about how bad these permit holders were, how many 'crimes' they had committed, etc. However, it was clear from the study that they were not telling us how many individuals were involved. And, most of these 'crimes' were not gun crimes - they were DUI's and such (not attractive, but not as though these people were knocking over liquor stores with their concealed handguns).

Here is the point: VPC wanted to essentially show that the state of Texas was allowing bad guys ('BG's', in TFL-ese) to carry concealed weapons. I sent an email to them asking for more details on the study, and they ignored my request. The question is simple - did their study show that the population of concealed carry permit holders in Texas was more 'criminal' than the general population of Texas? I'm sure they didn't respond because they had twisted their presentation to show Texas CCW holders in the worst light, when in reality, the vast majority of Texas CCW holders were law-abiding, upstanding people. When I got my CCW permit in Arizona I called up our state police (DPS), and asked the rep their impression of Arizona's conceald carry law - they said DPS had no problem with it - as a matter of fact, there is more than one case in Arizona where a civilian has defended an LEO with a handgun!

You see, Lori, one thing that makes some of us, like myself, increasingly rabid about this issue is the volume and constancy of lies from the anti-self defense movement. They seem unable to win their arguments with truth and honesty, and everytime, everytime I dig deeper into their 'studies' and 'facts' I find that they have dishonestly manipulated their data.

I encourage you to investigate VPC's, HCI's and other anti-self defense web sites. Look at what they say with a critical eye. Ask them to cite their sources, and consider carefully the logic of their arguments. Come back here, and we'll discuss it with you. You make the decision as to where the logic resides on this issue. And, as always, thank you for taking the time to consider this issue closely. It may be the most important political issue our country ever considers.

Regards from AZ
In the women and firearms section it says this:
Contrary to themes contained in firearms industry advertising, when women
do kill in self-defense, the attacker is unlikely to be a stranger, but someone
known to them.

But then a few lines down it says this:

In 1994 4,739 women were victims of homicide (28 percent 1,326 women were
slain by husbands and boyfriends).

Hmmm....I guess its ok then for a boyfriend/husband to kill their wives/girlfriends, but its not ok for the wife/girlfriend to kill them in self defense? So I guess if you know your attacker, which according to them you most likely will, then you should just shut up and be defenseless.

These people are enabled by these tragic incidents. With out them they would soon be out of existance so they have to play it up on these incidents.

Here is an somthing to try since VPC and HCI are supposed to be non-profit ask them for a financial statement on where they get their money and how they spend it. They usually dont send those things out.
Ask yourself this - if handguns are only used to kill people, then why do LEO's ('law enforcement officers') carry them? To terminate violence - not to kill or maim. That is the same reason honest civilians carry them - to terminate violence.

This is a SILVER BULLET!!!!!
I cannot wait to shoot it!
Jeff, I assumed "silver bullet" meant that it's a good quote. "Shoot it," since he's talking about a bullet, means to use it. Thus, Bert loves your statement, as did I, because it's a concise statement of a very important concept. He can't wait to whack some rabid anti upside the figurative head with it. Me neither.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Ah! Thanks, Don. Had my thin skin on yesterday, I suppose. ;)

I heard a police officer use that phrase, and I thought he was right on the money. What is it? - something like 99% of firearms are never used in a crime, per the US Department of Justice?

Take care.