This is exactly the kind of stuf that we should ALL be concerned about!


New member
...when it comes to more government power.

And the type of things that stirred the founding fathers to revolution...and it's happening more & more.

Today it's happening to the victims of the Iowa floods...tomorrow it could happen to you or I. Be sure to watch the videos, too. Katrina abuse of power, Take 2. Just disgusting!
Interesting link and videos. However, it might be a bit more credible if wasn't on a "conspiracy theorist" website.

I know about what happened in Katrina and it was wrong. But the video in Iowa wasnt clear exactly why the cops were breaking down the door. Perhaps these cops were entering for a legitimate reason? Or did I miss something that was said?
Are police allowed to arrest, even shoot you for your own safety?

The entire underlying premise for govt forcing you from your home in a disaster is "for your safety". The same for not letting you back in, until they say it is safe.

There is a simple solution (although likely difficult to enact), and that is to simply legislate an act that states that individuals are free to remain in their homes, or return to them anytime they desire, BUT if they do so they, and they alone are responsible for their safety. They may not take any legal action against any govt agency for any harm that befalls them.

Many people will glady choose to face the risks. They may be burned in a forest fire, or drowned in a flood, but if it is their choice, why not let them?

The drawback to this idea is someone who does suffer harm, and later claims that they wanted out (or in), and the govt ignored them, and is trying to get around its responsibility by claiming that they stayed by their own choice. There is potential for abuse. Perhaps a waiver form could be used. Govts love forms.

I have never felt that any govt official, police or otherwise should have the ability to force you off your home "for your own good" because of a natural (or manmade) disaster. If you choose to stay, you should be allowed to stay. Kind of like "death with dignity", and who knows, you might even survive.

Anytime I see something like this, I am reminded of Harry Truman. Not the President, but the determined old man who lived in a nice cabin on the shore of Spirit Lake, in the shadow of Mt. St. Helens. They warned him. They told him. They did everything they could to get him to leave, but he wouldn't. And because the mountain wasn't clearly erupting dangerously, they couldn't legally force him off. He was happy where he was. Then one day in 1980, Spirit Lake ceased to exist. And so did he. But it was his choice, and I believe he was happy with it. Why not respect that?
It also has something to do with theft, they want an empty town so that anyone in it can be arrested for looting. You let the wrong five people stay and anything that is not bolted down will be gone.
I bet both of those cops had stains on their pants after that. Cops love to intimidate and abuse authority. Kicking in the door, sounds about right. They love the "glory", like calling news stations before the raid at Waco, because "something big" was going to happen. They had no desire to take anyone peacefully. David Koresh took walks and went into town frequently, why not take him then? Most cops I have met and known were arrogant pricks. However, there have been a few and I mean a few who were decent fellas. I believe this will become a growing trend, to militarize our police. Heavens, local police have been training with military in certain parts of the country. HR 1585 is deceptively written, but will allow military intervention of law enforcement within the US. Awesome.
Sounds like the government trying to protect us from ourselves. My opinion is, let the stupid bass turd go in there and hurt himself. But on the other hand, what if he's a looter, or if he goes in he sues the city/state/government for not doing their duty to protect his scrawny...? Seems more like the litigous society kicking us in the face and we pay for someone else protecting themselves from it.
I'm in Cedar Rapids and I've got no beef whatsoever with how the locals and even FEMA have handled themselves through this mess. Especially the IANG out of Sioux City.
These houses that they're keeping people from/ breaking into were underwater.They have to get into 'em in order to make sure there's no snapping turtles under the bed or electrified pools. They're "searching for and seizing" hazards. They have to make sure the utilities are off at each individual house before they can turn the grid back on. There's nothing else worth looking at in those places.
That is completely reasonable and thus does not violate the 4th.
This process has been ongoing for the last few days and they've been working around the clock to get all the houses approved.
The cordoned areas are almost gone now and they were over 100 city blocks a couple days ago.
There have been very few instances of obnoxious behavior here and many more instances of a surprising sense of community. For example, out of 35,000 people left homeless by this flood only 500 are in shelters because the rest of 'em were taken in, many of 'em by strangers.

You're only getting the part of the picture that sells commercials. :(