This is a must read! Re: 12 tons of Waco evidence emerges in court!

Red Bull

New member
24 Children Murdered: Hunt for Killers Continues
by Weldon Clark

To anyone who prizes his or her freedom, Waco needs no
introduction. But you do need to know about recent
developments in the investigation of the matter. The need is
especially clear since most of the national media have been
working hard to ignore the story--despite its listing on AP and
UPI wire services, and discussion in the Washington Times,
the Washington Post, and other sources.

First, there have been lawsuits filed by families of those killed
at Waco and by some of the survivors. The suits were
transferred to Judge Smith, the same judge who sentenced
some of the Davidians to long prison terms, and is generally
thought of as a very pro-government, very anti-Davidian
judge. The government of course moved to dismiss the
cases. To the surprise of many, Judge Smith refused,
leaving open such claims as the Davidians' assertion that the
government shot at people leaving the burning building. This,
Smith stated, had at least some evidence to support it, and if
proven would "shock the conscience of the court."

Judge Smith must have been startled at the next
development. Without warning, the Texas Department of
Public Safety appeared in his court. TDPS announced that
the Texas Rangers (which are part of TDPS) had two large
rooms full of Waco evidence that had never seen the light of
day. It explained that members of the public--documentary
producer Michael McNulty and attorney David Hardy--had
been asking for copies, but that when it offered to make
them, federal agencies forbade it. Yet when McNulty and
Hardy asked the federal agencies for copies, the same
agencies claimed that they couldn't give them because only
the Rangers had control over the evidence. TDPS added that
it did not want to be responsible for withholding the evidence,
hinted that it did not trust the federal agencies to have it, and
offered to file the entire mass (estimated at twelve tons of
material) in court!

Things became more lively when TDPS explained just what
was in the evidence. TDPS commissioner Jim Francis said
that it contained government fired projectiles, which appeared
to be pyrotechnic (that is, fire producing). It appears to this
author that may prove that FBI started the fire that killed 74
people, including two dozen children. He allowed he was no
expert, but said the evidence would be at least "problematic"
for the FBI's position. (The projectiles, fired from the FBI's M-
79 grenade launchers, including pyrotechnic CS gas rounds.
These expel the CS by burning a mixture similar to black
powder, and are stamped with warnings that they cause fires
and may not be used against buildings.) The evidence was
so sensitive, Francis explained, that he had instructed the
Rangers to keep FBI out of the evidence locker until it could
be secured with the court, and he had ordered the Rangers
to commence their own investigation.

The revelation of hidden evidence must have shocked Judge
Smith, hitherto seen as very pro-government. He issued an
order accepting the Ranger's evidence. Then he issued a
second order, which is utterly unprecedented. He ordered all
federal agencies to turn over to the court all evidence "in any
way relevant to the events at Mt. Carmel [the Davidian
building]." No one had even thought to ask for such an order;
in a civil case, judges just don't order all the evidence turned
in, whether it has been subpoenaed or not. An anonymous
law enforcement authority was quoted in the Dallas Morning
News as predicting that "The Justice Department is going to
have a fit!"

That's a safe prediction. Attorney Hardy's Freedom of
Information Act suit drove ATF to admit that it had three and
maybe four video cameras filming what happened at the
Davidians' front door, and likely showing exactly what had
happened when the first shots were fired--but ATF claimed all
copies had vanished. So had an infrared tape of the building,
which would conclusively show if and when the Davidians
fired. We may now know exactly where those tapes are
sitting, and exactly why they've had to be hidden for six

Now for the things we can't talk about--or, at least, things
were we can only reveal part of the story. Michael McNulty,
producer of the documentary "Waco: The Rules of
Engagement," is producing a second documentary. If the first
one was stunning--it won an Academy Award nomination--the
second one makes it look mild. With solid evidence, most of it
from the government's own files, he shows that the FBI may
be guilty of lying, perjury, and homicide. He found the 40 mm
Pyrotechnic shells, and tied them to the fire. Retired FBI and
government sources agreed to talk. The picture that emerges
is even grimmer than we might have thought.

Some Davidians had claimed that FBI fired into the building
and shot at people who tried to escape. McNulty has
uncovered STRONG proof that the statements are true. FBI
infrared tapes, far better than those shown in his first
documentary, show not only the FBI gunshots but also the
FBI shooters. A law enforcement videotape shows the
muzzle flashes. Internal FBI reports confirm that gunfire was
heard from one of their sniper positions. This is only a tiny
part of the new evidence McNulty has uncovered, but it
should give you a guess as to what the rest is like.

Here are just some of the indictments, each carefully
documented, that McNulty's new documentary will level.
Yes, there is a reason why 74 people burned rather than
escape the burning building. Those who came out the back
way--away from the media cameras--had been shot as they
tried to get out. Yes, the "brave federal agents" got trigger-
happy. Yes, a federal agency levied war against American
civilians--including two dozen children.

McNulty showed his documentary to Congressional staffs
recently, and the effect was immediate. Congressmen and
Staffers were seen leaving in tears, others in angry
determination. Now there is talk of new congressional
hearings- done the right way, for once. The Washington
Times carried the story under the headlines "The Waco
Cover-up Begins to Unravel."

Sources close to the case demanded anonymity to avoid
Judicial Reprisals. The Waco dam is cracking, and we need
your help to break it wide open. If you value your freedom,
and the Republic we have known and loved, sit down, right
now, and:

1. Write your own Congressman, demanding hearings into
the new evidence uncovered in Texas and soon to be seen in
a disturbing new documentary film "Waco: A New
Revelation". You can call your representatives at the
following toll-free numbers US Capitol Switchboard 888-449-
3511 You can also call them using the Capitol Switchboard at
Here's an e-mail link to Congress.

2. Down load this document and make copies to distribute to
your friends, family and coworkers. Resend this article as far
and wide as you possibly can. To spread the word call Rush
Limbaugh at 800-282-2882 and callers may call in from 12
noon to 3PM EST, M-F

3. Write Jim Francis, Chairman Texas Dept of Public Safety
PO Box 4087 Austin, TX 78773-0001 thanking him for his
integrity and for protecting the reputation of his State and that
of the Texas Rangers. Jim Francis was appointed to this
position by Governor George W. Bush and we may assume
his actions in standing up to the feds have the tacit approval
of Governor Bush.

4. If you can, contribute to pressing the civil suits brought by
the Davidians. Most of what they had went up in smoke, and
they're now faced with the need to finance lawsuits against
the government--which is defending with your tax dollars.
None of this money is for attorney fees. The case requires
expensive depositions. Contributions can be sent to (and
checks made out to) WACO JUSTICE FUND 5847 San
Felipe Suite 1450 Houston, TX 77057.

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If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from
us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down
and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set
lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our
countrymen. -- Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia
State House, August 1, 1776.
Yup, TSHTF now.

I heard on the radio tonight that an FBI agent was talking and it was not good (for them).

I don't know if all this is hype or not, but the evidence seems overwhelming. My God--I love my country, but never before this year have I been so ashamed of being an American. The Clinton "impeachment" (remember when just the threat of it was enough to cause an official to resign?) was the first. This fiasco with Waco, if it is true, may very well be the second.

Samuel Adams' quote really struck home, too.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty," note all the talk about this so-called booming economy of ours and the pacifying effect it has on the people at large.

"the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom," basically, Sam is saying it is better for the responsibility of your freedom to be in your hands rather than entrusting it to another. Doing so means yielding yourself to the will of that trustee. That's why the 2nd Amendment is in place.

The rest of the speech is definitely not this "sensitive" PC Dreck, but then again, liberty is not a limp-wristed issue.

Time to hit our knees all the harder, those who believe...

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
- You need not be ashamed of being an American. The transgressions of American
villains are not our shame so long as we recognize the threats and fight to resolve them.
- Hitting our knees is fine, but (as we are told) we must help ourselves as well. Never
genuflect to the usurpers.
- Pressure those who have earthly dominion over us to do right or suffer the
consequences of dismissal (at the ballot box). Stop voting for villains recommended by villains.
Here is a followup from The Dallas Morning News.

Ex-agent says device fired at Waco compound.
Justice Department denies item used.


By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

©1999, The Dallas Morning News

A former senior FBI official has said that the agency fired two pyrotechnic tear gas grenades on the last day of the 1993 Branch Davidian siege, a day on which federal authorities have long insisted they used nothing capable of starting a fire.

Full article at:

In law suits, the courts often begin at the beginning, before the immediate event. This needs to be done with Waco.

If it is true that Higgins told his troops that they needed to put on a big show to impress the transition team and get more money and promotions all around, that should be brought out. There are indications that the raid was not a law enforcement excercise but a BATF expansion exercise.

Were those people killed to get more GS-14s for BATF? There are reports that that was the real reason.
