This house is protected by...

The Kid

New member
I'm moving into a more historic part of town. It's a great location with lots of good bars and culture around; however, it does have a higher crime rate than the area that I live in now.

I plan on getting an alarm system, but I'd also like the bad guys to know that should they attempt to break into my house, they stand a real chance of facing an armed citizen.

Therefore, I'd like to warn them by placing a "This house is protected by [insert name of well known gun manufacturer]"

I see Smith and Wesson most often, but I was wondering where I could get one of these signs. S&W, Glock, Sig Sauer, or Remington would suit my needs well.

Don't put that type of sign up. It is aggressive, aggression always creates more aggression. Put a sign that says no trespassing, Trespassers may be shot, beware of dog, Stuff like that.
You might be right

Thanks're probably right. I've done some more research, and I've found where it might make you more liable in the event you are attacked.
I wouldn't worry about the liability issue as much as I would worry about putting up "steal my guns" signs.

Unless you can make your house completely burglar proof, or unless you can be in it all the time, your best bet is to make it a little harder to break into than your neighbors and not advertise anything that might be particularly attractive to thieves/teenagers in the neighborhood, etc.

I see posting "I have a gun" signs as being similar to throwing the box that your 52" plasma HD TV came in out by the curb a couple of days before trash day so everyone driving by can see it. I cut boxes like that up and put them in a trash bag.
So that's kind of the thing...

I'm going to be in school and coming and going at odd hours. So usually either me or room-mate will be there. I don't think I'm going to put the sign up any more though.

I don't think that any house is burglar proof. Even when Discovery channel did that show, "It Takes a Thief," I thought it was stupid because pretty much any window is an entrance into a home for anyone of any sort of athletic qualities.

The box cutter to the boxes is not a bad idea. Thanks for the tip.
Put up an Alarm sign and put alarm stickers on your windows and doors, even if you dont have an alarm. You can buy them on E-Bay.
Yea, I would make no reference to you owning a gun in your window.
We have an area just like that here in Melbourne Fl. Very cool very laid back lots of little bars and very old Florida.
But for some reason home to every dirtbag and homeless bum around.
I'd go with a beware of dog, even if you dont have a dog. Or one of those fake alarm company signs in the yard.
I have a caution police K-9 sign in my yard coupled with a marked patrol car. I like to think that it helps keeps my yard clear. But seriously get a dog.
Signs are good, dog bowl out front and by the back door, alarm stickers as well. They also make fake security cameras. Also a good idea to put up motion sensor lights at all the 4 corners of the house and any other dark spots as well. Any of these are some deterant to the average thief.
The thing that has been missed here is, "what can they take if a burglar gets in"?

My advice is to assume it could happen and make sure your valuables are locked down tight. Most burglars are smash-and-grab types. If you have a sturdy safe, bolted down and hidden, it will take the burglar a lot of time to get at it. And time is something working against a thief.

When I go away, I leave a couple low end guns "hidden" to be found. The rest are completely unaccessible without tremendous effort and previous knowledge of their location. This way, I may lose some stuff I don't care much about but the burglar feels like he's made a score and gets out of the house faster.

But I also have an alarm....
a good security system and a couple of well located yard/property signs
are sufficient. Plus what others have stated regarding securing your valuables/firearms inside.

You know you are an armed citizen. Leave it at that.

The less they know the better.

Outdoor motion lights and range time are more valuable than a

"we don't dial 911 we dial .357" sign.
Just do the alarm and signs for the alarm, either get a dog, that barks, or do the "Red-Neck" dog. Thats a huge bone, a giant water bowl and a big chain hooked to something near the front door. Any self respecting criminal will stay away if they think a big dog lives there,

as will most door to door sales kids selling that useless crap from the school to raise money to buy new crap for the school, Oops, got off track there a bit.......

DON'T put ANYTHING up about guns, shooting anyone or anything that even hints you have a gun, that is just ASKING for TROUBLE!
Don't advertise the fact you have guns

When I bought my Sig P220, the "Got Sig" bumper sticker went straight in the trash. While I'm an NRA member, my NRA window sticker went straight in the trash. Makes you a target for thieves.
Don't put that type of sign up. It is aggressive, aggression always creates more aggression. Put a sign that says no trespassing, Trespassers may be shot, beware of dog, Stuff like that.

Wow, so you think posting a sign that says "Protected by ____" is aggressive and will create more aggression, but saying trespassers may be shot isn't aggressive? That is some bizarre logic.
SwampYankee, might be even better to leave those "loss leader" guns with no firing pins, too.:cool:

Alarm signs, dog poop in the back yard, that kinda thing.My schedule varys wildly, nobody could predict a pattern.
Uh, Swamp Yankee...

Swamp Yankee wrote:
"When I go away, I leave a couple low end guns 'hidden' to be found. The rest are completely unaccessible without tremendous effort and previous knowledge of their location. This way, I may lose some stuff I don't care much about but the burglar feels like he's made a score and gets out of the house faster."

And will you be attending the funerals and comforting the families of those killed with your "hidden to be found" guns? Will they be comforted by the fact that they were just "low end guns" stolen by some dirtbag?

Please, don't anybody adopt this ill-advised tactic! Bar your windows, use deadbolts on all doors with keys required on inside and out, so the thieves have no easy way out. Use lights and motion detectors. And cultivate relationships with your neighbors -- buy them all turkeys for Thanksgiving. An observant, even nosy neighbor is your best defense.
I've been robbed. :mad: That event 30 years ago initiated me into firearms ownership. It will never happen again if I have anything to do with it.

Tiered Security is the best approach. Giving up your element of secrecy never made any sense to me. I post nothing anywhere (except here) that even remotely connects me as an firearms owner.

I post my property with Alarm Mfg's signage. My home is alarmed to the hilt and all wiring for it is sub-terrainian and redundant. A perp has to breach the perimeter alarm layer before they can reach the hard-wires. If that goes, the CMDA wireless node takes over and runs a panic routine.

If the perp should try a smash & grab and disregard the alarm system, they need to breach the safe to get to anything. The safe isn't going anywhere and a perp would need considerable time to breach it.

I could NOT live with myself knowing my firearms could/would be used in criminal activity that may result in death or injury to anyone other than someone threatening my family with harm.
And will you be attending the funerals and comforting the families of those killed with your "hidden to be found" guns? Will they be comforted by the fact that they were just "low end guns" stolen by some dirtbag?

Really?? Talk about flawed logic. I wouldn't feel any worse about someone stealing my gun and causing harm than I would If someone stole my truck and crashed into someone. Especially if it were locked up in my house at the time it was taken. I see nothing wrong with swamp yankee's suggestion and practice similar measures. Never thought of removing the firing pins though, good idea.