This guy has an interesting safety technique

Play with a gun, point it all over the place, and THEN check to see if it is loaded?

I suggest sparing us any more such "advice".

James clearly clintpup posted it sarcastically.

the guy in the video is obviously doing it for shock value.. he knows it's loaded.. Im not saying it's a good idea though.

He's probably trying to upset the safety trolls on YT who will go nuts if you don't show clear for the camera.
Go to 12:02 in the video to see his girlfriend sweep him with the muzzle of a loaded pistol while doing a cross-draw.
Let's see:

  • No eye protection.

  • Sloppy presentation (bowling) from the holster.

  • Overall sloppy gun handling.

Those are things that could easily get cleaned up in a few hours with a good instructor
Those are things that could easily get cleaned up in a few hours with a good instructor
Not if you're convinced you're the one who's right and everyone else is wrong. I thought it might be interesting to look at other videos on that channel for some background and it answered a lot of questions.
They're a couple of lazy-eyed slack-jawed mouth breathers and I hope they never hurt anyone else on the range. I for one would leave any range these idiots were at. Same type of people with no muzzle awareness at gun shops/shows ,because "it's not loaded".
I think my favorite part was the "danger check" at the beginning. The whole point of doing that is to ensure that the gun is empty, which he seems to be doing, but it turns out he actually chambered a round when he racked the slide - the complete opposite of what he appeared to be doing. BRILLIANT!!
It just takes one negligent discharge to forever change your outlook on gun safety. Hopefully it scares you at worst and nobody gets hurt, or worse.

I'd be pissed if that girl swept me when drawing like that.

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Let me see if I've got this straight:
He "danger checks" the gun, by chambering a round.
CHECK, the gun IS now dangerous.
THEN he goes on to explain how useless the safety is.
My guess would be he didn't sleep at the Holiday Inn
Business Express last night.
IMO, he belongs on "Danger Island" with Chongo, and
the rest of the Neanderthals...
The weirdest thing is that the guy has almost 29,000 subscribers! But maybe they're waiting to see if he shoots himself. :eek:
Haha, ya waving around a loaded handgun with a round in the chamber is a GREAT idea!:D Maybe he wants to shoot his computer after one of his TFL threads gets closed for being extremely off topic!:D

Can't believe how some people handle firearms. . .