This Country does NOT deserve it's Veterans!!


New member
I just got an IM from a friend who recently got out of the Army on a disability. He has a bad knee and was not physically able to perform duties in the Finance Corps :rolleyes: . Anyway, he has had a resume on for quite some time and as of yesterday he had 29 unsuccessful hits. Well after we talked yesterday and I told him that being a veteran means nothing any more, he went and changed his profile/resume. He removed all references to the military and put all his Finance experience down in civilian terms. Guess what??!! He got up this morning and had 3 offers starting at 30K per year. And what really gets me is that the Army's commercials say so much about what employers are looking for and what great experience it is to have the military on your resume.

:mad: BULL****!!!

[This message has been edited by HukeOKC (edited September 29, 2000).]
Thats true. Very True.
However I am now a Manager and the Recruiter for my department in a networking company.
I am trying to hire 10-14 new Router Engineers.
One applicant was a former police officer.
I called him ASAP. He came in for an interview. He didn't qualify by a longshot... But he was still smart - and a solid guy. I didn't let him leave until I talked to other managers and got him a job in our Presales team.
Another Applicant - Former Marine. Send an email while I was still reading his resume.
Comendations and recomendations galore. His tech background will get him in the door.

My point is this - I recognize service and going above and beyond the call. Guys and Gals with that get my first picks.

Speaking of which - any Router guys here needing a job in Orem Utah? (Shooters are my next best choice ;) )
George Hill, thank God there are a few people out there like yourself who know the true value of some of our Vets. Sure all vets aren't great and some of them are true morons, but if more people in the position like yourself took an active approach to returning the effort that these men and women gave their Country it sure would make some of us feel a lot better. You, as a Veteran, may have also felt the same cold shoulder when you got out and know how it is.
I've noticed the same thing. I was a project manager in the Air Force for 10 years. I went to a few interviews for the same type of job and all asked "do you have any Civilian Experience instead of military?". I said no so they said that the experience wasn't worth anything to them. They then said that if I could get a B.S. and two years of civilian experience then I could qualify for the job. And, as for the "point" system that the postal services has isn't worth much if you are up against any minority (i.e. everyone that isn't white/male is a minority). I get 10 points... five for being a vet and five for being a disabled vet. Any minority automatically gets 10 points just for showing up and the full 15 if they are "handicapped", i.e. big boned, addict, on welfare, etc..

It is a shame that giving service to help protect the U.S. isn't worth the paper it's printed on. It's no longer an "honorable" profession but viewed more as a job that people take because they "can't" make it in the outside world or even worse, a form of welfare. You can see what the American sheeple want.. they want a drift dodger, a socialist, and the "Right" to so called "entitlements".

I enjoyed my time in the military, that is until klinton became the commander in chief (lower case intended). Then we became pawns, expendable for politics, forced into doing more with less; less training that is.

The good people coming out of today's military seem to be the exception anymore. The lazy entitlement-expecting loosers are corroding what once was something to be proud of.
I know what'cha mean.

I fly corporate for a Fortune 50 company. I am active duty Navy Reserve, Carrier, Combat qualified, flying two to three weekends a month and four weeks a year.

The airlines are clawing at my door wanting me to come haul "S.L.F." around for them, but the company I work for now, actually cared less about my Military Exp. They were more intrested in my Degree. Which has about as much bearing on Aviation as it does on firearms... :D

But the pay is two and a half times the airlines so, I'll stay for a while...

Fast Eagle

Sir, your remarks are repulsive to me, and I disagree with your viewpoints. But I will defend to my death your God given right to express them.

[This message has been edited by Fast Eagle (edited September 29, 2000).]
While think positive, if the military really is filling up with idiots and freeloaders, if the government ever turns them on the populace the populace will be able to make short work of them and kill two birds with one stone.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me