This Can Win In California!!!


New member
If you REALLY want your rights back read and PARTICIPATE! It sound so simple when you read it, and it sounds even better when you read the legislative analysis.

This one really can win if we get behind it. The Dim-wit-o-craps have pushed the envelop too far with their latest plans to require a license to own firearms - people WILL vote for this to stop them. Most Californians really do want to keep their right to own guns, they just didn't care about the 'ugly' ones. You know, the ones the press says are just for killing kids.

It's going to take thousands of volunteers getting signatures in front of Wal-Mart etc. and lots, and lots of money once it's on the ballot - BUT WE CAN WIN!

You guys in other states - once it makes the ballot it would (IMHO) be in your best interest to help in any way you can. As California goes, so goes the rest of the nation. If California goes pro gun rights...

Let's do it!
sholling, it may surprise you to know many states already have self defense provisions in their constitution including firearm provisions, and if weren't for the liberal kooks in California and the spreading of their crazy philosiphies out to the rest of the world, we wouldn't have half the problems we have today defending our rights. Yes, I would agree that California has taken us down the path to where we are today. That really is something to be proud of. Everything from social programs, immigration, pc textbooks, drugs, Rodney King, O.J., etc. Now exactly what do you want the rest of us to do to help extricate you from the sorry mess you guys have allowed yourselves to get into?

There is a lot of interest in this. Many of us are working on it and other legislative items.

Keep fighting,


(rant on)

Just remember that most of the "liberal kooks in California" "spreading of their crazy philosophies out to the rest of the world" are imports from the east coast and Midwest. The wacky 'elite' tend to be products of the left wing liberal arts collages that are allowed to preach Marxist crap in ALL 50 states. Anyway, the point is that everybody's trash gets dumped in California, and somehow we get the blame - for the damage done by THEIR creations!

What can you do? Well if all else fails - clean the commies out of your state's collages so that their products stop coming out here and infesting our once beautiful state.

(rant off)

The difference with this amendment is the way it is written. For example the strict scrutiny clause places the burden of proof on the government.

By far the most important part of this fight is the opportunity to show the nation that the media and the Democrats are wrong about the public wanting to ban guns. This is an opportunity to send that message loud and clear with the 2/3 vote required to pass it.

[This message has been edited by sholling (edited January 16, 2000).]