Thinking about a Kel-Tec for summer...


New member
My Mak in a Fobus holster works all right, and it's certainly a reliable carry. But it's just plain heavy, metal beast that it is.

So I'm thinking P11 in a IWB holster. Lightweight, compact, and an even more powerful round than the Mak.

Do any other CCW holders carry the P11 on a regular basis? Any recommendations/advice about either the pistol itself or a carry option?

Lastly, how's $230 for a price? That's how much my dealer offered them for last time I checked.
I have owned one for a couple weeks and have been carrying it since I bought it. I paid about the same for mine I think. I have fired a couple hundred rounds out of it, and it has been very reliable. I am going to quit carrying it until I can get the sights straightened out. It shoots about a foot high with 115 grain bullets. Accuracy is not bad but nothing like the Makarov; due mainly to the double action only trigger. The accuracy is certainly better than acceptable for defense. IMHO the way to carry it is behing the strong side hip using the Kel-Tec clip. The clip comes with two pins that replace the pins in the gun attaching a clip to the right side of the gun. This eliminates the extra thickness of the holster. About half the grip is under my belt. You can conceal the P11 like that no matter what you are wearing (unless you don't have on a shirt). I think you will like it. I liked mine well enough that I bought the P32 since then, also with the clip. You could conceal that with no shirt on. And it is accurate and hits right on with the sights. I can't see carrying a .32 when for a little increase in size, you can carry a 9mm. But, I wanted one anyway.

Guyon hi,I have two of them,a p-32 and a p-11. To be honest, I had to send both of them back to the factory for repair,but it was free and I had them back in a week. Now I really like them. They are dependable and accurate.I can take either one and shoot a siloutte at 3,5,15 yards and keep them all in the head or heart area. I just came back from the range yesterday and fired 150 rounds from each gun without a single malfunction og any kind.I fired reloads in round nose,hollow points,semi-wadcutters,no problems of any kind.Some you buy and have no problems and others you do,but the factory will make it right without costing you a dime. sj
The Keltec makes a great summer carry gun. I`ve had mine for about 4 years,carried it almost daily and put well over 4000rds. through it so far. It`s been 100% reliable since day 1 with no problems of any kind. I agree with 444, the belt clip is the only way to go. It works really well (BTW put the clip over the pants and *under* the belt) and makes this lil 9mm conceal like a .25 or .32 in a holster. Be forewarned the P-11 is not a real easy gun to shoot well and takes some getting used to. Plan on putting several hundred rounds though it before you can really shoot it well. Marcus

I have a P-11 and a P-32. I had some problems with tossing the empties on the P-11, so I sent it back to the factory. They replaced the slide and barrel, but here is the cool part.......

I had a nickled slide on it, and I must have done something to it to mess it up, 'cause after the Fusilier nickel job, it was great till just a while ago. Anyway, since it had a custom slide on it, the folks at KelTec saw fit to put a hard chrome barrel and slide on it. They basically took a non-factory gun and fixed it under warranty, and in the process, upgraded the pistol. They could have used blued components, but chose the high road.

That's why I believe in my KelTec products. The P-11 price is about the same here in Indiana.
I go to every gun show in my area, and I hold allot of pistols.

I am now carrying a P11 as I have for a few years.

I have other guns I could carry, but they are too heavy for the firepower they put out.
I don't carry my P-11 much except in the winter & we usually don't have much of a winter in central Texas.
Marcus is right, the trigger takes a while to get used to & you will need to practice. A fluff & buff helps to accelerate the break-in process and can improve reliability. Use a light coat of grease on the rails and hammer / slide interface.
If you haven't been there alreay, go to Go to the "Tec Werks" link. Good info. on lubrication, trigger work and fluff & buff.
I have the grip extender & trigger shoe as accessories.
$230 sounds like a decent price in most places. Would be about right in my area.
$230 is a good price IMO, but I'm in ID where the guns are pricey :). I carry mine every day (right now, too) in a smartcarry and occasionally in a leather belt slide holster.
P11 is the best carry I can find

I have carried 8 more expensive guns,
I have carried 5 smaller guns,
I have carried 3 more accurate guns,

But the Kel-Tek P11 9mm is what I have carried more than all others combined.

Because it is the best carry gun I have found.