thinking about a couple "hunting competitions" next year for my friends, on my range

I've been buying lil plastic animals, as I've been planning this for a while now...

thinking of having 4-5 shoots through out next summer... each shoot will have a theme

American small game & varmints... gun used... 22 LR only... small plastic small game & varmint animals will be spread out in groups at various distances on my range... maybe starting at my bench, with varmints, then as a group, everyone will walk down range to each stage, where shooting position would vary at animals ranging from squirrels, rabbits, badgers, raccoons, prairie dogs, etc.... each shooter will be allowed a set amount of shots 1-5, tailored by the distance, shooting position, & size of the target...

I have enough animals to do a big game African & North American game hunt, & a Dinosaur hunt as well... thinking on these hunts, I'd allow use of center fire 22's or 22 LR's ( I don't want to eliminate anyone's grand kids that haven't graduated to center fire yet...

I'd provide a trophy for each shoot, basically an un-shot animal on a plaque engraved with the hunt & date...

thoughts on anything I could do to improve things ??? size of the groups, will be limited by the amount of animals I have, & or 10-12 people for safety... animals will hopefully be pre-positioned in a "group" so we could just progress down range as a group... I have a bunch of little steel target stands I've made up, that a piece of double faced tape could be applied to, to hold the animals in place... was thinking about allowing shooting sticks for standing shots ( & more shots allowed ) maybe random drawing the shooting orders, in case some targets are easier to shoot than others, etc...

thoughts ???

one of the targets for the African game hunt... ( 4" high )



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thinking about a couple "hunting compeitions" next year for my friends, on my...

For the big game make a junior division. The kids will have much more fun if they aren't competing against people who have that much more experience than them. And they will have a much better chance at winning

Let the junior division use .22 LR, adult division minimum .243.

And I would have some offhand shots. It is a field position and it Gould be tested. But I would have them turn around (away from the target), and on a buzzer turn and fire within 10 seconds.
Best one of this stuff I've seen was clay pigeons set up starting at 10 yards then every 10 yards all the way to 150 yards or so. Then folks get to shoot their sporter .22's (no match rifles) from any position they want as long as no artificial support's used. Each person shoots one shot at each range. Those that smack the clay get to move on to the next range and shoot there. Then do it again

When there's only one person left that's broke each clay at each range, he's the winner. One time a teenage girl broke every one and the match stopped at 110 yards.

The sight of those clay's shattering is instant feedback and a lot of folks like that.
I'm thinking about keeping the bore size at 22, as the biggest plastic animals are about 4" tall, most are only 2" tall so the distances will be closer... I'll take my 55 gallon drum target backers & put them in front of my lil wildlife scene, until it's time to shoot... most of the animals will be small enough & far enough away, I think it could be kept casual... we'll drag a spotting scope on a tripod as the group moves, to score the stage, anyone shooting or spectating could bring a spotting scope along to watch... on animals that you would only get one shot off in the wild, I'll limit shooters to one shot at that stage, on tougher shots ( standing, unsupported ) I might string the length out a little, & use a slower moving animal, so I can allow 3-4 shots... I'll run a score sheet, so any ties, will be also judged by round count... ( or I could do a clay pidgin shoot off, as BART suggested )

I used to hold a regular annual shoot, where I separated the guns in groups by bore size & distance... I had a class for most unique or unusual, to encourage shooters to bring old odd milsurps & the like, rather than match rifles...
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