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    2. Copyright law provides for “fair use” of portions of a copyrighted work. You can copy no more than a SINGLE paragraph from the article to your post (3 or 4 sentences at most).

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Think the moderators are unfair??? READ THIS BEFORE POSTING YOUR GRIPE.


Look at this post. This is an excellent example of:

1. How to properly handle a complaint with a mod.
2. The fairness and objectivity of the staff of TFL.


If you disagree with a moderator's decision, send him/her a PM. You can expect to get a good hearing and If you make a good case for your point of view, appropriate measures will be taken.

The wrong way to handle it is to immediately start another thread complaining about the unfairness of the staff. That will also result in appropriate measures, but I doubt they'll be the kind you desire.
Yea I'm getting real tired of "What type of gun for SHTF scenario number 44?" Then, it gets closed and we get to look forward to "WHY DID THE BIG MEAN MODERATOR CLOSE MY THREAD???!!!!11"


Zombies MIGHT attack! And I need to know what gun most effectively kills zombies so that I'm not turned into a zombie myself!
OK with me

I actually come here more interested in technical information versus wild stories and scenarios anyway. There are plenty of other gun type forums that tolerate or even encourage wacky fringe stuff out there if you care to read it. SKS forums even has categories for that stuff, even a category called tinfoil hat discussions, for the really wack stuff.
I've been a mod and admin on several other forums and we got this type of BS every so often also. In the final analysis....

A forum is like someones house. There's a party going on. You're invited and told to make yourself at home!

Each room in that house has some great conversation going on. As any guest would and should, you go in and mingle. Great!

Some are not such great house guests. Some break things, put there feet up on the furniture, etc... Then when asked, politely, to not do that, that bad guest gets..."fresh".

If it was YOUR house, what would you do?

I've seen enough on this excellent forum to know what the majority of you would. Those that don't know the answer are usually those bitching.

my .02
I been helping sites moderate since I first started using the internet when I was 12. Unless you have ever been an admin/mod before then you really shouldn't complain. Being a mod especially at large sites is a very tedious task. You have to be fair to all users and uphold the forum rules and make sure you aren't favoring another member and you have to be able to spot a troll and not confuse him/her with a newbie. I think the mods here do a pretty good job. Sure, it may seem like they lock the threads too easily, but wouldn't you rather the thread get locked before a problem starts rather than after?

Also you have to keep in mind that this site IS privatly owned. The owner can kick you out for any reason he/she wants. We as members here are being allowed to post at this site because the owner says so. Sure it's a dictatorship, but trust me this type of site ownership works a whole lot better than a democracy. What happens in a democratic run forum is that all the regulars will ban together and get a newbie banned. It's just not fair.

When you first become a member of this site, it clearly states in the rule and terms of usage that the admin/mods HAVE the right to delete/edit, lock a thread, or ban a user for ANY reason.
What a suck up! The Mods do a good job of keeping things organized and civil but some are a little trigger happy with the closed button.
Their incentive is free toasters and George Foreman grills in addition to their generous salary!!:D :D :D
I think they do a great job of keeping the tinfoil hat, "what would you do if..." SHTF, and IOTWAWKI threads at bay. Come to think of it, this is the most sanitary forum I belong to. Firearms and nothing but.

Venture over to the SKS boards and you'll be amazed at the most popular threads, and come to really appreciate proactive moderation. One of my favorites was a two page thread started by a guy asking how to go about filling/sealing HP's with mercury. There's also another 3 or 4 pager on fallout shelters.
his is the most sanitary forum I belong to

I have been here for 7 years, and I watched the board become steadly less easy going. I don't think I have seen anything really egregious, or a pattern of any particular sort. I just think the moderators are cranky from lack of sleep or something.
I have been here for 7 years, and I watched the board become steadly less easy going. I don't think I have seen anything really egregious, or a pattern of any particular sort. I just think the moderators are cranky from lack of sleep or something.
I think it could stand to become a lot less easy going than it is. There has been a slow slide in the quality of the posting here due to a large influx of members who either are here purely for entertainment and have no concept of useful information interchange or who have a lot of "non-knowledge" about guns and are intent on sharing it. :rolleyes:
To be frank, I quit posting here for awhile and only started again when another forum I frequent started having downtime problems.
Good Point

Good points. I appreciate Mr. Helms oppening my post back up, even though it was on it's last legs.

I personally think the mods do a good job at handling off-topic posts. I went back through all of the forums and looked for locked posts and each one was a valid concern.

The problem with a forum like this, and any other to be precise, is that there are very few NEW topics. Almost every post is a rehash of some other post that a quick search through the search engine could answer well enough. Even the "What gun should I buy" posts are not very useful in that each person is going to recommend what they own, so no REAL answer is actually found.

Either way, it's a great forum and I'm happy to have found it. Oh yeah, I meant to add, My PX4 and Taurus 605 are better than your Kimber and S&W!!! I thought I would just throw that in. Oh yeah, I also meant to add, a .45 is the only caliber worth defending yourself with, and a 9mm is trash. Or, maybe it's the 9mm that's the best and a .45 is too slow. Geesh, I can never remember these things...

I think the mods do a great job. I only belong to three forums and this one is the most organized and in control. Now if you want to see the opposite then spend some time at Glock Talk.