Think I'm Getting Better: Training Drill - Handgun


New member
So I went to class today and ran nearly the same drill as I did last time, so I thought I'd post up the video here kinda side-by-side with the one I did a couple months ago. Now the drill today is slightly different than the one I did last time, and this one today was for time and it was a race against another shooter. But it was still a 4 BG vs. me shooter drill, so I thought it was close enough for comparison of technique, mechanics, etc.

The drill from a couple months ago was more about precision and target assessment. But since both drills required good thoracic cavity hits (6"x8" area centered in the COM zone), moving off the spot, checking your six, and a called headshot, I figured they could be compared against each other.

This is the drill from a couple months ago:

This is the drill from today:

I've been trying to get in some extra practice on the draw stroke and dry-fire practice at home, and I think I'm getting a little faster on the draw-to-first-shot, and minimizing the dips between shots. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm faster and still accurate on the called headshot.

Anyway, I figured i'd post these and see if I could get a little feedback again.
"...faster on the draw...good thoracic cavity(that isn't a cavity) hits...a called headshot..." All that only applies to the assorted shooting games. None of which have the slightest thing to do with reality or self-defence. Especially a 4 on 1 scenario.
You are faster in the second video. If you carry I would suggest you train in the clothes and with the holster used for your EDC and always draw from concealment. Also reload from the mag pouch, however concealed, that will be with you.

If you ever need to draw, fire and maybe reload "for real" you want your hands trained for this scenario and not "think" you are nice and safe on the range.
"...faster on the draw...good thoracic cavity(that isn't a cavity) hits...a called headshot..." All that only applies to the assorted shooting games. None of which have the slightest thing to do with reality or self-defence. Especially a 4 on 1 scenario.
Hmm. I would think that being able to smoothly and efficiently draw your pistol would be preferable if and when one found themselves in a gunfight. perhaps being slow and fumbling is better for you?

Thoracic cavity: I know that this exists, as my father was a M.D. (radiologist diagnostician), but just so no one can say I made it up . . .

In a gunfight, it might be possible that your attacker is showing only their head or a similar-sized small part of their body to the defender, requiring a quick, but precise shot, which is what that part of the exercise is supposed to simulate. It's a called shot because the drill is also supposed to force you to keep scanning and quickly react to the new attack. Weird I know, but that's the drill.

This drill (video #2) can be likened to an intro to skills builder drill. We are supposed to put together the draw, flash sight picture, engaging multiple targets by using the turret method, beginning to move off the 'X' scanning behind you in the lull, and engaging a secondary target.

In a later drill that I didn't get to video we immediately move off the X, engage a pair of targets, trot/run about 15 feet and engage another target while on the move, then do a tactical reload during the lull.

And so on, adding more skills in subsequent drills as we go.

But thanks for responding I guess, though your comments were not very useful to me.
You are faster in the second video. If you carry I would suggest you train in the clothes and with the holster used for your EDC and always draw from concealment. Also reload from the mag pouch, however concealed, that will be with you.

If you ever need to draw, fire and maybe reload "for real" you want your hands trained for this scenario and not "think" you are nice and safe on the range.
Thanks for the input. In this class, which is a basic skills class, the instructor doesn't want anyone using a IWB holster for safety reasons. Many of the students are just getting familiar with their weapons and usually a few have never drawn from a holster.

In the advanced skills class (hoping to be able to take that one early next year) we are supposed to use an IWB holster and our EDC weapon.

Currently I do practice drawing my EDC weapon from my EDC holster at home. Empty and without a mag of course. Also, as I've passed the requirements for the Advanced class I've been given the tutorials for practicing various advanced skills (different malfunction recognition/clearing drills) to practice at home, which I've been trying to practice at home as time permits.

Thanks again for the input, I appreciate it.
It may not be part of the drill, but can you practice lateral movement while shooting?
Yes, we do in a later drill. In the drill from Sunday, after the initial four shots, we have to move off the X either left or right at least on step, to get us used to the idea of moving after shooting. In the last drill of the day, we are moving and shooting at the same time.

The class is about 5 hours long, and we run through about a dozen or more drills. We have a drill where we shoot a controlled pair, then immediately take a at least two steps to the right, another pair into the next target COM, two steps, and so on. Later, we run yet another drill where we can decide to move laterally left or right, but it has to be at least two steps in that direction, followed by a controlled pair into the target on that side, shooting the pair while still moving, so last shot should be fired before finishing your last step.