They got Brazil, who's next???


New member
Sounds alot like the polls here.

"Though Alvim is opposed to the law, recent polls in Rio show more than 70 percent of respondents favor it. If a national disarmament law is approved -- which, many analysts say, is likely by year's end despite a late mobilization by a relatively weak gun lobby -- it would put Brazil, one of the hemisphere's most violent nations, alongside such countries as Britain and Australia as one of the world's leading practitioners of gun control."

It looks like it is going to get messy!!!!

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
As freefinkelman pointed out, notice how the poll is from Rio, a major metropolitan area. Take the poll in the cities, where there is more pro-gov't media spin, and, hence, more pro-gov't people, then tell the nation at large that the majority of citizens support the issue.

Does that sound familiar?

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."

[This message has been edited by Ipecac (edited June 28, 1999).]
"Rio de Janeiro state has passed a revolutionary piece of legislation:"

Revolutionary my A**!!!! More like time for a real revolution.

"Alvim cannot even sell plastic ammunition boxes or gun cases."

What's next.. plastic bottles?? They must have a problem with attacks with such things.

"all civilians who own guns legally to turn them in within a year -- possibly in exchange for compensation of about $90."

I seriously doubt many, even the sheep, will turn in at that generous.

"according to a recent U.N. report."

Yeah, that is a reliable source.

"By getting rid of guns, we in Rio are choosing civilization."


"A parallel campaign is being launched by a new gun-control department of the Rio police to "blitz" houses of suspected illegal weapons dealers and to cut down on illicit firearms"

Want to try that here...We haven't played Cowboys and Feds ...Yet.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate