"They" -- ARE -- Out to get us!


New member
Hi TFL er's,
As you know , I heve not been posting lately or even spending any time on the internet because I have been too busy
trying to earn enough money to pay the massive array of huge bills that comes with being a new land owner. I was left property
that incures expenses but no funds; so starts the scramble to pay the bills.

I got the following in my email box and thought to share it with you . I dont know if it was posted before or not & I dont have time to look see.
It is worth the read, I think.
Lets you know what the bad guys want to purbatrate upon us asap and should be a wake up call (ha ha fat chance).

I especially note that they call for yearly registration of all previously owned as well as just purchased firearms for $50.oo per gun per year to start with. This does not guarantee that they wont change the fee to
200.oo per gun per year at some point in the future.

I have 60 guns in my collection, so 60 x $50.oo = $3000.oo per year registration fee.

Then there is the 100.oo per year federal firearms owners license, gun classes that you pay for and government tests that you must take and pass and pay for; and of course ,the fee can increase at any time
because the anti gunners make up the rules as the go.

These are not laws yet but will become so if we do nothing.

Your life and world is the way that you make it and if you dont bother making of it what you desire other people will make of it what they desire, weather you like it or not.

(Advise from the blind leading the blind; he ,hee!)
So here it is, if you can stomach it!

Update FROM SaveOurGuns.com - Promoting the Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms: Your right - Your Duty.

THIS IS A FORWARD OF A TYRANNY RESPONSE TEAM ALERT: YES, it is long, but look at some of the links and get upset!! Please note how the anti Freedom crowd has their kids out with T-shirts and Signs... . They are forming minds, the voters who will seek to disarm US! What are we doing?


A tad lengthy ... so ... ? Perhaps the most important thing you do in the
next week ....

CC'd TRT national just to let you know what's happening here in CO & what
y'all can expect in your own states just as soon as these "ladies" get back
from their l'il junket.

Attempting to leverage the deaths of the children at Columbine, The MMM
wants your firearms - your very freedoms.

They are having, this weekend (9/15 & 16), right here in Denver, their
national conflab to assist them in organizing their agenda, training more
activists to spread their venom across the nation.

Don't believe me? Go to their own site: http://www.millionmommarch.com/ ,
scroll down and take a look for yourself (if you can stand it).

"To the future President and Congress

We want all handgun owners licensed.
We want all handguns registered.
We want consumer product safety standards for guns (like state-of-the art
child proofing!).
We want the "gun show loophole" closed.
We want to limit gun purchases to no more than one a month.
(And, what about junk guns and assault weapons? Don't even get us started on
those. Just outlaw the darn things!)"

And just what is a "junk gun?" To be decided by some butt-head who doesn't
know what end the bullet comes out of. And, an "assault weapon?" Ditto.

The Commie Mommies are well-funded by the Bell Campaign. Until the MMM got
"busted" for being a political activist group under the 501c3 banner, the
schism was a bit blurred - no longer. They are totally out in the open.

Again, don't believe me? Then believe them.

For interesting "fact sheets" and policy statements by these fine folk, goto

"What Are Responsible Limits on Gun Access and Use?
Licensing of Gun Owners or Buyers
Provide fingerprints and a photograph;
Pass a thorough background check, including a check for misdemeanor
Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the laws governing the use, possession,
storage, and transfer of guns;
Demonstrate a basic understanding of how guns work, including the use and
limitations of safety devices;
Demonstrate minimal competence in handling and shooting the gun;
Maintain current registration on all handguns owned.
Registration of Handguns
Initial registration at time of purchase;
Annual renewal upon payment of a fee;
Liability for the registered owner of a gun recovered in a crime unless the
registered owner can provide an appropriate explanation, such as:
Proof of legal transfer;
A theft report filed with police;
Proof that the gun was permanently disabled.
Gun and Ammunition Purchase Limits
No more than one gun a month for any buyer; Ammunition sales only by
federal firearms licensees; Background checks for ammunition buyers;
Ammunition purchases limited to ammunition compatible with a handgun
registered to the buyer, or with a long-gun for which the buyer has proof
of ownership.
Adoption and Enforcement of Strong Child Access Prevention (CAP) Laws
Stiff criminal penalties for adults who leave guns accessible to children,
even if no injury results; Application in every case in which a minor up to
age 18 is found in illegal possession of a gun; The loss of gun ownership
privileges upon conviction; ... "

Hmmm. Doesn't seem to be just about handguns any longer. In their mind,
there is no difference between a handgun, an "assault weapon," ... your
"sniper rifle" (that iron-sighted .30-30), your Remington pump .... or even
how much ammo you can purchase or have.

The incremental approach (they even lie about that) will have you
finger-printed, scrutinized, monitored and eventually stripped of your
rights & locked behind bars. Oh, and you will end up paying through the
nose in hard currency (in the form on additional taxes & "user fees") to
finance this attack on your rights.

Does that give you a warm, fuzzy feeling?

Thought not ....

You gonna let that happen?

Probably. Most of you have done absolutely jack to date except whine on
your computers to others who feel just like you do.

That upset you? Good. Come out this weekend & kick my butt in person -
I'll be on the street. How about you?

Truly time to take a stand, good people, of all freedom-loving ilk. It's
time to get up off your butts and actually do something about it. If you
won't take a stand when it's easy, you certainly won't take a stand when
it's hard. That hard time is most certainly coming ...

Come out and join us; the Tyranny Response Team, Colorado Shooting Sports
Association (NRA), Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (GOA), and just plain folks
that are absolutely fed up with this assault on our rights - our way of
life. Sport your NRA hats, carry a sign, wear your fave T-shirt with a
catchy slogan ...

... come with your indignation and outrage & tell them NO!

Let's give the Commie Mommies a hearty Colorado welcome!

Oh. BTW, hit your lists - everyone you know.


"-----Original Message-----
From: exdir@rmgo.org [mailto:exdir@rmgo.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 6:46 AM
To: (list supressed for privacy)
Subject: Call to Action

With the Million Commie Mommies having their National Board
Meeting in Denver this weekend, RMGO has teamed up with other
organizations to steal some of the MMM media.

On Friday, Sept. 15th the TRT is leading a demonstration at the
Hyatt Regency (17th & Welton, the site of our protest against
James Brady earlier this year) beginning at 6:30 pm (actually 6PM sharp -

On Saturday, Sept. 16th from 10 am to 4 pm Crystal Albertus and the Second
Amendment Sisters will lead the Ladies of the Tyranny Response Team &
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners in a protest (same place - AA). These
gals invite you and your children (hubbies welcome too) to make a stand for

Let the (much less than a) million moms know they don't speak for you."


So, why don't you purchase a T-SHIRT from Save Our Guns and hit the streets for Freedom. The New Shirt Order form will be available shortly, but for now, at least order a Freedom Shirt and Cap.

Thank you.
Yours in Liberty,

SaveOurGuns, http://www.SaveOurGuns.com

P.O. Box 6515
Moraga, CA 94570 http://www.SaveOurGuns.com
e-mail us at 2ndamend@dnai.com