These nutcases!


New member
Warning: lots of profanity in use here.

This guy seriously thinks that everyone is immune from crime? Imbecile. By what he's saying (in the comments, the video just makes him look like an angry liberal), it looks like he's either high, or just crazy (angry liberalism again).
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"The First step to not getting shot is not owning a gun."

That's an absolute. I thought it was smarter to always stave off absolutes. Now he doesn't understand the concept that criminals will do bad things regardless so you can still get shot, but not owning a gun may reduce your chances of being shot by your gun quite a bit.

He reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite the way he looks and talks. I personally think he's a moron. "Why would anyone shoot my dad..."

I'd like to ask him "Why would gold fall out of the sky in my front yard?" Which do you think is more likely to happen?

My god this guy is an idiot "Why did your uncle evict a woman?" "Why did they stab that lady at the party?" Does he get out much? While most people are decent human beings (with their own short-comings that we all have) there are those who generally violent and oafish and will do bad things.

"What's to stop the government? How about morality!" I almost pissed myself laughing at this one.....
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"The First step to not getting shot is not owning a gun."
I guess he's never heard of the McDonald's shoooting in San Ysidro, CA, a few years ago. Did everyone who was shot and/or died in that incident own a gun?
"Why would anyone shoot my dad..."
I dunno. Why would anyone take a bunch of rifles to the top of a school tower in Austin, TX, and begin shooting people? (Whitman) Why would anyone lure young boys to their deaths, eat some of their body parts, store other parts in his freezer, or knock out one and drill a hole in his skull so he could squirt battery acid from a turkey baster onto the kid's brain? (Dahlmer) Why would anyone kill little boys and bury them in the crawlspace under his house? (Gacey) Why would anyone become a raping and murdering serial killer of young women? (Too many to name)

Why would anyone familiar with reality and over the age of 7 assume there are no bad people out there who will do bad things to good people?
Why would you say I've offered no evidence for my claims? I make no claim ... my statement was blunt and simple: 1) The first step to not getting shot is to not own (as in have) a gun. 2) That individual who owns a gun is nothing compared to I who have the power to generate thousands upon thousands of such firearms!!!!!

People detach themselves from reality so that they can make sense because the CURRENT STATE (as in the Present) is so obviously NOT optimal that no more can be said.
can we say hypocrite or did he mean that he can get guns after the fact either way he doesnt make any sensy but it is his right and wow read the whole thread he is relly detached from reality i think he would embarrasse sarah brady but make her proud
After watching that a few times, I reall think that he is on drugs, I mean how else could one be so detached form reality?
He's crazy looking. Besides I always find that people who use foul language when making a political statement (other than the occaisional curse word) tend to make their point seem childish and immature. Granted I cuss from time to time but it's garnish, not what I'm really the main thing I'm serving up.