These are a few of my most favorite things


New member
Do you smell it in the air? Yes it's electric excitement, and I'm as giddy as a school girl in anticipation!

Pin Matches begin (Again) tomorrow night.
Hunting (General Gun) season starts on Sat.
Florida should clench the SEC East on Sat.

I'm as happy as a pig in $h*t.

Oh well it doesn't take much these days.


Root Hog or Die Poor
In a high treestand overlooking a hardwood forest thicket on a crisp cold and dead quiet morning. Then that distinctive sound of hooves sliding through the deep dry leaves..."ssschook...ssschook...sssschook.....schook". Then the sound of a deer running, being chased by an even larger deer, it beltches a gutterly grunt, then another...."rrruupppt...rrrrruuppt".

The doe runs through my shooting lane, followed closely by the loping granddaddy buck. It stops...sniffs the air...grunts again..."rrruuppt"...and then turns its head slightly away. I'm at full draw...fiber-optic pin is on his heart...thwwwamp! After a short run up the hill, he stops, looks back, and looses his balance...down.

Yes...that is one of my favorite things.
I CAN smell it! All the way up here! The leaves, the cool,(? it was a record 75 here yesterday) crisp, fall air, and the hope of another shot at that deer with my arrow in it. He will not run off this time! ;)
Gun season starts Monday! :D
Good luck this weekend guys. Seeing as how I work for the Game and the Fish people I will (unfortunately) be working until the middle of next week. Good Luck.
