Thermometer Recommendations?


New member
Hello All,

As a newcomer to bullet casting, I've been reading up in preparation for casting some boolits. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about thermometers. What to avoid? What's a good one? What's a good one that is cheap :D , etc.


I use the Lyman thermometer. It is built very well and holds up to LONG casting/smelting sessions. Where there is molten lead, you will find my thermometer in it. When smelting I use it to keep my alloy under 700* to avoid melting the zinc WWs into the alloy (even though zinc melts at like 780*-ish....I play it safe and never go over 700*). When casting you will find a consistent alloy temp will produce consistent bullets.
So far, my casting has been over a propane burner (turkey fryer) in a dutch oven style pot. I don't have a thermometer yet and I've noticed what some on here have described. Some of my bullets come out shiny and some come out frosted. What is the ideal temp for casting using a ladle? I'll be getting a thermometer soon and was just curious.
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There is no "ideal temp." You will find that some molds like it hotter than others. Trial and error...just like reloading! I generally cast between 650 and 750.