therew are "costs" that arise from every action


New member
Saw on the internet, that the Great Western Gun Show is moving from Pamona to Las Vegas.

This a result of LA County Supervisor's enactment of a ban on gun sales on county property, said legislation now in the courts.

The outfit that rents the grounds from the county, is crying to LA County over "business/revenue losses" as a result of county commissioners legislative action, and the county might "assist" the operators financially". One wonders as to how they might do this, perhaps with an injection of TAXPAYER FUNDS, certainly not from their personal accounts.

In any event, the law abiding will be inconvenienced, to some extent, normal business operations of long standing, will also be upset, criminals will continue to obtain firearms, some political types might generate a "warm and fuzzy feeling" in the minds of the unthinking, thereby gaining a little publicity, good, bad or indifferent, who knows, given the position of media re this sort of thing, however NOTHING OF REAL VALUE WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED, respecting maintaining or enhancing either the public's welfare, or it's "safety".

And the band played on.
Too bad the Second Amendment Foundation or some other outfit wouldn't sue the Councilmen for squandering taxpayer funds if they use that money to compensate the site owner.

On a very selfish note, Hot Dawg! I live 80 miles from Vegas and was getting tired of the current shows. The other show promoters
won't be happy though, and I suspect there'll be some "campaign contributions" to the local pols to keep thenew boy out like they tried to do with WalMart super stores.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.