There is another way. What you do is tell every no good punk, criminal, lowlife, murderer and reprobate that they do not need a gun if they want to rob, steal or kill someone. Go forth and tell the world that you can spray gasoloine on your victims. You can rob them this way, you can steal from them this way, you can kill your gang-bang buddies this way. Tell them that they don't need a gun or a liscense and there are no background checks. Tell them the police can't trace them either because the evidence is burned up along with the victim. Tell them a that a can of gasoline is way more cruel and cheaper's also available everywhere! They just need to keep a lighter handy! Spread the word!! Then, when the number of sensless homicides increases due to the easy availability of gasoline, when people are horably disfigured, put into wheelchairs, WHAT ARE THEY GONNA SAY THEN?? Ban gasoline? I doubt it because they use it all the time. Maybe they will then see that the gun is not the problem but the person behind it is? So spread the message far and wide....gasoline can take the place of a gun! Heck? isn't this what the media does everday by showing sensless, gratuitous violence with the use of a gun??

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited July 01, 1999).]
That kind of stuff happens every day, not to mention screwdrivers, shovels, telephones, insect spray, the candlestick in the study and the all-time favorite... bare hands. The media doesn't report it with as much ferver as gun violence because it does not suit the agenda.

I agree in spreading the word, but spread the word that grandma wouldn't have to worry about the punks with the gasoline as much if she had a .357! Push for responsible and legal gun ownership. Push for CCW. When the media has no choice but to report that gun sales have trippled and crime went down, then maybe we'll have something. Just a thought.
My point exactly in the latest Executive order. Gasoline is about to become a controlled substance.

I think you guys are off base. The gubment does not care about safety, catching criminals, or any other gobbledy gook they spew forth when they try to justify the latest gun grab. They KNOW that they cannot jam socialism down the throat of an armed population. Granted, we now have some form of socilaism already creeping up on us, but the big push has got to wait until we no longer are ALLOWED to own guns. Any guns. Any quantity. Any type. Any color. Any cartridge capicity. ANYTHING.
Watching shows like Real TV, you can sometimes see convenience store robberies taking place. The ones out of the US are entertaining because you get to see how creative criminals are and what they will use as a weapon.
Some that come to mind include a guy that robs a conveneince store with a shovel, and another group of thugs in England that use legal, single shot sporting shotguns (there were three bad guys with the same exact single shot shotgun, with huge long barrels on them).

Then, the best of all: a guy that robs a convenience store clerk with a hyperdermic needle full of red substance (blood?).
This is classic. In cities, we even hand out syringes (hyperdermic needles) to drug users for free. All they have to do is draw a little of their blood and stroll into a store and rob it. Are you gonna wrestle a guy with a syringe full of blood? I would rather wrestle a guy with a gun than a guy with a syringe full of disease-infested blood. One prick and that is least you can get over a gunshot wound in surgery, there is no getting over the diseases you would get.

Who needs guns? we give them free weapons in the form of syringes!