There is an evil


There is an evil in this land of ours. It stalks our homes, our streets, our businesses, our schools, our hospitals, and even our churches. This evil is strong, but not invincible, and it is a coward. This evil attacks only when good men and women allow themselves to enjoy the delusion of government protection. This evil cannot survive where good men and women exercise their GOD given right of self defense, for this evil is a coward. This evil can only succeed against defenseless children and those who have allowed themselves to be protected by the government. This is a call to all good men and women of character to exercise their GOD given right to self defense. DO not fear this evil, attack it when it rears its ugly head. Strike it down! Charge the gun! Defend yourselves, your children, your friends, and the defenseless! For this is the only way to rid our land of this evil!
I agree. But there are many evils - many of them. They mutually
reinforce each other and are so entangled that cause-and-effect issues
become horribly complicated.

1) The evil of the sham law.
- Speed limits on our highways are politically established to make the
government appear to be the “protector”. Every day in central Texas, I
am endangered by speed limits which everyone knows are too low - even
the police. Therefore, many people exceed the speed limit routinely and
the police don’t interfere.
- In San Antonio, it is against the law to possess a lock-blade knife of
any size unless you can justify it in your profession. It is universally
- Gun control laws. As my Jewish friend would say, “Books I could write
- Drug laws.
- Income tax laws (and directives with the power of law).
- Housing restrictions, permits, etc.

All such sham laws are examples of the government exceeding legal and
moral authority. The laws are enforced capriciously, to harass and
punish citizens for real or imagined offenses against something other
than these laws themselves. The people grow to regard these laws with
contempt - which is understandable. But that contempt tends to
overflow to include the government, its representatives and enforcers,
social restrictions, and other citizens.

2) Population density?
I question this because I have no facts or reference at hand. But I
suspect there is a relationship between population density and the
de-personalization of fellow citizens. I also suspect that crime, welfare,
etc. affect greater percentages of the populace of large cities than in
rural communities.

3) The wildebeest effect:
Related to bad laws and population density, people begin to feel that
anonymity is the key to survival.
- The police can catch only so many speeders. If I stay in the middle of
the convoy, I can ignore the speed limit law.
- If my income tax return “looks good” it will not be flagged for further
- If I pretend to go along with the crowd, I’ll not be singled out as a
- “To get along, go along.”
_ “It is the nail that sticks up that is hammered down.”


Such concepts destroy the value and values of the individual. It tends to
make us all huddle under tables hoping the bad guy will be satisfied
shooting someone else. Such “tables” can be literal (Columbine, Luby’s,
etc.) or figurative (driving a gray Ford Crown Victoria rather than a
yellow or red Corvette to reduce the chance of getting speeding tickets).

No law should be established unless it is needed, enforceable, and
enforced. Necessary laws, if they become inappropriate, should be
revised. All laws should have expiration dates, forcing their re-evaluation
and permitting the citizens to have input into the rules that guide our

I agree that the problem is related to our governments (plural). Their
interference, however well-intentioned, has bred contempt for our
governments and our fellow citizens. It has contributed to the general
lack of honorable values in our society. It is what I believe will be our
downfall. The only way to prevent such a collapse of our society is what
you suggest, OB-1. We must stand up. We must take on individual
responsibility. We must charge the gun whether it is held by a madman
in a cafeteria or school, or whether it is a government which has gone
out of control.

But we can not do this alone. We must unite. We must hang together or
we shall surely hang separately.

I join you OB-1. I say the time is now.

If we become valueless, we become worthless. It is time for a
Jeffersonian revolution. Vote out those who have been perverting the
law and our society. We must use the ballot box to re-take and rebuild
our schools, our governments, our society and, most importantly, our

There are many more examples and various opinions. And OB-1, I
expect your beautifully worded post will encourage a lot more discussion.
Wanna stop the rash of shootings and the focus on gun legislation? Get the media to tune it out.

Wanna get the media to tune it out? Go armed. Let law abiding citizens start taking these guys out and the media coverage will change very quickly from 8 week circuses to something like this:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A shooting in Main City Church today has left two dead and one wounded. An unidentified male walked into the Church of the NonDenomination and opened fire killing one and wounding another before being subdued by Churchgoers. The attacker was fatally wounded in the process. Authorities are investigating the incident.
In other news the Mets....[/quote]

Be they crazies, haters or disaffected punks...they do it for their 15 minutes of fame. And the media is pleased to give it to ''s a sybiotioc relationship between parasites. And we're the host!

Thanks for posting this OB-1.
Each one of you have given a very articulate, well thought out viewpoint.

OB-1 It is refreshing to see someone who does recognize Who we get our rights from. As much as I love our declaration of independence, and Bill of Rights, I realize that they do not grant liberty at all. They recognize infringments to a liberty which we already possess as individual human beings AND they state the rights (esp. the BOR) in document form that should be refered to for validity before ANY subordinate legislation is even considered for a hearing by the governments.

I believe that many of our problems concerning this evil that I think you are refering to OB, are a direct result of individuals ignoring the One from whom they derive thier rights. For instance the rights of life, liberty, and self preservation are violated by any authority which places itself above THE AUTHORITY, by passing laws restricting the free exercise of said rights.
The Constitution does not give these rights. Governments do not give these rights. God gives mankind these rights. How governments and indeviduals exercise these rights are left up to the free volition of each.

Unfortunately, because of free volition, governments and evil individuals sometimes punish the innocent for exercising that which God has given. For instance, rather than justly punishing a criminal for his criminal behavior, gun laws are passed. It may simply start w/ an NRA approved law which punishes someone for using a certain weapon in the commision of a crime...a gun. Next, comes registration and govt permission before a law abiding man can obtain the means to defend his life, and preserve the lives and welfare of his family.

If govts do not give their permission for these, they are violating God given rights. If a man exercises these rights even though the govt authorities deny him permission to do so, he can suffer grave consequences. Everything from fines, jail sentences, property seizure, rape (in prison), ostracism by the media, legal fees, years of separation which denies him the ability to provide ANYTHING for his family, etc. ad nauseum....

Yes, I think you put it right when you used the term "evil". When God told the disciples to sell something that was needed for something that was needed even more, He was not recommending Christian activism or revolution. He rebuked Peter, who thought that was what He meant, when Peter cut off the soldiers ear. Jesus didn't need someone to protect His life from the govt and the evil religious crowd of His days on earth. He knew that it was time for the One Who gave the right to life to give His own life, in a torturous death (spiritual And physical) in atonement for all sins; so that eternal life would be an absolute reality to everyone one believes (places thier confidence solely) in Him as thier Savior from the Lake of Fire. This may be offensive to some, yet there was a time when our society recognized this in large part and realized that this historical event is THE basis for life, liberty, and the preservation thereof. The signature below refers to that responsibility, yes, that mandate to have the means to defend oneself and family if needed, because the times are evil.

I do not believe that we are ever going to rid our nation of these evils altogether, but it is very relaxing to recognize Who is the Author of our liberties.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)