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LA Proposes Banning Gun Show Sales

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Gun and ammunition sales on Los
Angeles County property would be banned under a proposed
ordinance backed by a majority of the Board of Supervisors.

Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky asked the county legal counsel on
Tuesday to draft a report on legal questions involving such a
ban, and report back within one week.

``The county should not be leasing its property, and should not
be permitting its property to be used for the sale of guns and
ammunition,'' Yaroslavsky said.

Supervisors Yvonne Brathwaite Burke and Gloria Molina also
favor such a ban, which would affect four gun shows held each
year at Fairplex in Pomona.

The ban and another anti-gun measure proposed by
Yaroslavsky Tuesday are prompted by the killing of a postal
worker and the wounding of five people last week at the North
Valley Jewish Community Center.

Earlier this month, state officials placed a moratorium on
scheduling new gun shows at all state fairgrounds. The shows
already scheduled at the 54 state fairgrounds throughout
California will still be held.

But the state Department of Food and Agriculture advised the
fairgrounds not to schedule any new events as legislators
attempt to tighten regulations on gun expos.

[This message has been edited by PEA SHOOTER (edited August 18, 1999).]
California's Alameda County has just passed an ordinance prohibiting firearms on county property. So much for the gun shows in Alameda.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I understand that the LA Fairgrounds Admin is pissed. Apparently they get about 1/3 of their annual income from gun shows. From my experience, I believe them; "Giant" computer show fills 1 or 2 buildings whereas the "Giant" gunshow fills 7 or 8 (including those normally used for computer shows).

The Fairgrounds is demanding $600,000+/annually if the city tries to shut down the shows.

The LA Times (liberal rag that it is) stated that around 50,000 people attend the larger Pomona shows and they've had 4 arrests in the last year. That's a damn good statistic in my books. I think LA's murder rate is quite a bit greater than 8:100,000, so it looks like the gunshow is the safest place in town.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited August 18, 1999).]