There goes another feeder

Wild Bill Bucks

New member
Doesn't look like he is going anywhere, anytime soon, and will eventually tear my feeder to shreds. This will make the second feeder I have lost to bears in the last 2 years.

These game camera pictures came from Gowen Mountain, between Hartshorne and Wilburton Oklahoma. I have hunted this area along Gaines Creek bottom for 40 years, and have never even seen signs of bear. In the last 2 years, they seem to be everywhere. Judging from tracks, I have at least 3 different bears on the lease. We are only allowed very few bear tags in Oklahoma, and the cost is $100.00 each, and most all the tags are filled before 10:00 opening morning, so I doubt that I would get a chance to shoot one, even if I had a tag.

I'm not really interested in shooting a bear, but I have had these feeders for 9 years, and they feed 24-7-365. I have generations of deer that use them, and I don't want to lose them.

Do any of you guys have any suggestions on how to get rid of bear, without losing my deer, short of shooting them?


Well, Wild Bill, if you're feeling frisky you could take him on with a knife, like ol' Dan'l Boone! Or maybe just rassle him, best two out of three!:D Make sure you get it on video, please.

Actually, since he's just a little guy, you could probably just throw rocks at him or sic the dogs on him and he wouldn't come back for a while. A common problem with the little guys is they want to climb on everything and hang off the feeder, and you see a lot of damage from that kind of behavior. The bigger bears often just knock the feeder over and the feed spills, then they eat and leave and you stand it back up and you're back in business. At least until they come back.
Giant raccons!!

Had the same sort of discussion this morning as we went to the water to chase gators. Both me and my buddy have bears on our leases that are a PAIN.........he's even got one with a collar messing about.

I'm with you in not being to excited about shooting one but Louann is up for it as are a number of the guys on the lease.......but it's not legal here either.

So what we are left with is to armor the feeders ( Louann and I don't use them so it's not a big probelm for us. ) on the lease or find something they will not eat.
I know of guys in Florida who set up a three-wire electric fence around their feeders. Deer merely hop right over.

However, some bears figure out that they can drop from an overhanging tree limb and eat their fill. I'm told it gets rather noisy when they try to leave, however. Lots of bawling when they hit the fence.
Check the laws first. This may not be legal in your state. 12 gauge shotgun with bean bag loads. Hunting version of catch and release. Harass them enough they will leave.
Bear-Resistant Feeders

We have quite a few bears in this area, and many people keep bee hives for honey production. Not a situation you would expect to work out very well. Since the State has seen fit to make me an Nuisance Wildlife Control Officer in my 'spare time', I've dealt with this situation dozens of times each year, for many seasons past. Pretty simple, very effective, and low maintenence solution if you're only worried about bears. Bee Keepers also have to deal with the 'coons and other critters, especially skunks.

Single-strand of electric fencing, approx. twenty inches above grade. Solar charger, several strips of bacon, and surveyor's tape. Space the bacon about six to ten feet apart, tie the orange ribbon on between them. The deer will see the tape and know to avoid the wire, and they don't seem to be attracted to the bacon, nor deterred by it. When you fill the feeders, change the bacon. The smell is important. Doesn't matter if it's fresh or rancid, so long as it gives off an odor.

When Yogi comes to the buffet, the odor from the bacon is like the supreme appetizer. His wet nose, your "hot" fence, and he swaps ends quickly. Learns after the first couple visits that there are more comfortable eateries elsewhere. Deer easily go under and over the wire, you can just step over it to maintain things at the feeder. May not be the least expensive solution, but here in the Catskill Mountains, it's proven to be one of the most effective. Art mentioned "dropping from trees", above, but I've never seen it. Not to say you may not have the infrequent Jumpmaster Bear, but it should easily be controlled by trimming back the overhanging limbs or relocating your feeders a few yards, to an area away from such trees. The deer tend to like feeding in the more open areas anyway, so this too could be a benefit.
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Raw bacon or cooked ??
We had a jumper here in my part of the Catskills . A garbage bin was surrounded by a high wall the bear figured he could get to it by climbing a tree ,walking out on a limb and dropping onto the bin. He got the garbage but then couldn't get out !! They tranquilized and removed him.
They do spend most of their time looking for food .One of the things they really like is bird feed , a real treat !
Intentionally feeding bears creates bad ,dangerous bears !
There was a bear that raided restaurants' garbage in Orange Co some years back -- but only the Italian ones ! :D
Heavily smoked, lightly cooked. Lots of grease to hold the scent and conduct current, yet limp enough to drape over the wire and stay in place. Kinda' like the local diners serve it on a BLT.
I hunt from a ground blind about 1/4 mile up the trail from this feeder. My blind is covered on 3 sides, and I walk into it about 1/2 hour before dawn, and don't come out until 1/2 after dusk. Hope I'm not sitting there some morning and all of a sudden have this guy decide he wants to join me.:eek:

Mrs.WBB seems to have it all figured out. She says just ask him to leave, and not come back.:D
From what I know about black bears. So long as there's food being thrown by that feeder He'll hang around close by. Sometimes too close for your comfort. I hope when you go to check on that feeder pictured your armed in some way. When a black is mooching off one of my feeders I sling a 870 w/ slugs over my shoulder when out and about. Checking on my feeders. Black Bears: You can never tell just where their going to be. Only where they've been. (scat)