Then what ?


New member
I often read the sentence ,better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 , in various treads on this board.
I pretty much agree with the above stated.
I was attacked ,viciously ,did what i had to do and barely got away ..
Someone called the police ,and because i am not a criminal i dont run..
To make a long story short, i am now waiting to see if i am going to be convicted of ,commiting a violent act ,since both of the attackers said the same thing ...
The attack where unprovoked i were unarmed the attackers had clubs.

I have a spotless criminalrecord and have served my country for seven years
My lawyer say that i will most likely be convicted off public disorder just like the attackers will be...

What if it were you? would it affect your abillity to by a handgun or carry concealed etc. ? I fear for my licenses because of the above.

Recently some dude got shot with a .45 pistol by a gangster..
No one (exept criminals) can own a .45 pistol in Denmark since it is way to powerfull for Danish people :D

I live in a high crime area . but havent had the time to move because of the war on terror .
It was in the parking cellar where i live ..
I did not drive to his pleasing and he followed me all the way home ...
He and his buddy get out of the car as i am about to park, and it is on
Some woman walking her dogs call the police and scare them away(with the dogs)..
I get the licenseplate number of the car ,the police arrive and the women is gone

I later learned
Of The 2 pakistani dudes that attacked me ,the seventeen
year old one tried to rob the local bank 18 months ago...No ****

I am not so sure i am a fan of the danish police anymore
I would just like to tell the story since almost everyone here have various means of selfdefense to their disposal. Where i live nothing is allowed for selfdefense.And in my case ifi am defending myself i am at the very least disorderly in public ..No matter what anyone say,i feared for my safety
It just that i always read these what if scenarios on this board
This is in my experience the most likely outcome of a what if`er

NO offense meant
While you may not be able to carry a weapon in the traditional sense, you do carry weapons with you. Keys for one. Get your car, or another long key, put it between your fingers, and go to town. Tire iron in car. Another good way to stun a guy is to use an open handed strike, quick and hard to one of his ears. Use it like a punch, but try to hit the ear with the palm of the hand. Will stun just about anyone pretty darn well. Swipe their nose with the heel of your hand in a bladed form, or strike the throat in the same way. Don't hit the head with a closed fist, its pretty darned hard. Your actions prior to the attack would probably fend off the attack before it happened, because you would look prepaired, and not an easy target. Just like the woman with the dogs, confidence is intimidating.
If I were you, I'd do my best to find the woman. I would think that if she called the police, they may be able to help you locate her so she could corroborate your story.
So, where you live, the police "charge you," and not a district attorney, etc? I'm sure there is a higher level then the police and I am also sure they didn't "charge you." You have a court system in which to air your case.

The police investigate the crime and submit it to another authority for "charging." However, since you probably didn't see that and don't see it, its easy for you to blame "the police."

Not to mention, if that is the laws of your country, then how and/or WHY is it the police fault? They are merely enforcing the laws YOU have put into place. So, if your going to blame ANYONE, blame yourself and your fellow countrymen.

Quit trying to find the easy way out, by blaming the police...