The work week just ended. Let's melt something!


New member
Closing up things at the office and going home to degrease some molds and get ready for a 3-day casting extravaganza!! Woot! :D
Sounds like fun. We're headed to the farm to mow, mow, and mow some more. Oh and lets not forget picking up limbs and such from the passed storms we have had as well as sawing up a 30+ foot limb that broke out of one of the trees before we can MOW....It should be a hoot, an acre of 2ft+ tall bahaigrass slightly damp due to the latest rain and dew. Took the sweetie close to 6 hours last time up on the riding mower with the deck set as high as it would go, then another 3 the next day with it set down another 2". Should be a great time for everyone.

Oh I'll be burning some powder as well with the grandson's too. Not sure how much we'll get done though we'll also be cleaning out one of the sheds as well. I also have some new loads with the MP bullets for the 9mm and the 45 ACP to play with as well.

Don't matter much to them though, busting a cap with the .243 will be a hoot no matter what. I have a dozen or so cans of not so good expired can goods they will be spreading out across 50' of pasture as well.
Enjoy yourselves.
Sounds like a good time.

No casting for me, until I get a bench somewhere outside or in the garage. ...And/or I also get my propane tank back.

Over the last few months, I have been systematically disassembling and salvaging what I can from my decomposing, piece of crap motorhome (mainly for the appliances, aluminum scrap, and the engine that I put in it). One of the bonuses of the job, is that it had a 50 lb ASME RV LPG tank with 38 lb remaining.

Once I rig that tank up to a burner (stolen from the oven) or adapt it to work with my turkey fryer, I can at least use a dutch oven to smelt my scrap lead, and possibly kick a few bullets out of the molds.

Depending upon what happens with some people that are coming to look at the generator (which still requires removal from the bare chassis), and some people that are coming to look at the furnace, I might have enough time to get started on that project this weekend.

At my previous rate of consumption for smelting and casting, 38 pounds of propane should last me at least 2-3 years. :cool:
It's starting off kinda slow. We got spotty rain storms moving all across here. I had almost gotten the pot to liquid status again while ago, and had to gather my stuff and run for it again. Maybe tomorrow. :cool:

I did manage to smelt 40# of roof flashing between showers. That'll be good to mix in with some WW to cast HP's for my new Ruger. :)
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That's better than nothing.

I got side-tracked from the LPG tank project. Someone wants to come take a look at the generator from the RV tomorrow, so I had to finally pull out the engine hoist and yank the thing off of the motorhome chassis.

Now that I've got it out, cleaned up, and rigged to be picked up and set into the bed of their truck, I'm sure the people will flake out and never bother to call... :rolleyes:
Well I hit the yard what I could with the tractor and mowed it down to about 6" then we got after the limbs while the sweetie hit it with the riding mower. We still have some to get cut that I could't get too with the tractor though. Meantime the grandson and I got out my pop's old Colt Army Spl 38 and ran some DEWC's I poured out of an old HG 130 mold seen below,

Funny thing was they were hitting around 10" high at 20yds verses almost dead on with my GP-100. None the less we had a good time hitting a dozen or so of them into the bucket off the back porch. We were going to go down to the range but a stupid cow decided to calve right behind the building so we had to oblidge the new mother.

After shooting 4 rounds out of the GP I turned around to see the oldest grandosn grinnin like a possum eatin persimmons. I asked what was up, and he said he just liked watching me make big holes out of little ones. I put all 4 into one nice 3/4" or so hole. :D
That sound like a fun end to a productive day. :) It's a 60% chance of storms again this afternoon, but I'll see if I might can make the "good" 40% work for me. Family gathering at lunch and then I'm free to play.
I hope everybody has a great Fourth of July!! :D
Geez fellas, rub it in will ya?! I went in to work at 6:00am and just now returned home after a 12 hour day. Too dang whipped to do anything tonight except lick my wounds and do it all over again tomorrow. :rolleyes:
I got 10 weeks during the summer where I only work a 40 hour week. August 4th, I'll go back to the 12 hour days. So I'm gonna rub! LOL :D:D
I hear ya Beag, ya better enjoy them shorter days. My job is the opposite where starting in October we get back around 40 hours for the winter. Spring hits and it's busier than a cross-eyed air traffic controller. :D

Man, I got to get me one of those 148gr DEWC molds!
Wow that was fast! I just snagged a 4 cavity Lyman 358-495 WC from fleabay in beautiful condition for $50 free shipping. The Ol' Chornograph is getting a real workout this year.

I have plenty of W231 so from my initial research it's looking like 3.2gr would be the load but of course I'll fiddle around from 3.0 to 3.5 to test.
Work--WORK---WORK work! In my best Maynard G. Krebs sound-a-like. Oops, the younger crowd here probably don't remember,,--have never heard of the old Dobie Gillis show. Maynard was played by Bob Denver, pre- Gilligan's island. Maynard was a beat-nic, was always scheming how to get out of/avoid work.

I choose when and where I work, which is damn near never. Being retired makes me wake up wondering which day is this, well who cares, I don't have to get up,, go to work.! My concern now is do I have a doctors appointment?:(

I did fire up the pot on Saturday to make some Lee 124 TC in 9mm. Melted approx. 15 pounds of range lead, ended up with 847 boolits. Then I created a sort-of spray booth constructed from black corrugated plastic cardboard. Stuff was used to ship things in, to stiffen big boxes at my former WORKPLACE. I rescued it from the scrap bin, for that "sometime I'll find a use for that"! Being a pac rat is sometimes a good thing.

Took some pics, I'll do a write up on the process of how I powder coated those. My son has a brand new baby Glock to feed. (M-19 compact) His darling wife got it for him for her wedding gift to him! Yeah, she's a keeper, pretty, blond, and a great cook to boot!
I just melted some lead and created some Lyman 358495 Wad Cutters. I only cast 80 for some initial range testing Next I have to move them to the PC table and get some color going.

These casted at 145gr using a 2/3 to 1/3 COWW-SOWW and 2% tin.

Very nice! I just got home with about 200# of WW to be smelted. And I'm cleaning up some molds and prepping to cast! It's going to be 96° out there, but I have a big fan and LOTS of lemonade. :)
Whew, that's going to be a hot time outside for you! It's only getting to 82 here today so not too bad except for the moderate humidity.

I just finished PC'ing these 358495's before the temp got up there. :)

I cast a big pile of RCBS 44-250 bullets today. I'm going to try to cast some more tomorrow morning before it gets really hot and then powdercoat everything that I did. I can sort WW while the powdercoat is baking. :)
Lookit all these beautiful bullets!!!!! (and valve stems and bottle caps and broken bolts and spark plugs and broken screwdrivers and........):rolleyes:

But anyway, I got 5 heaping boxes of it and I can see lead in there amongst the mix! :D
