The Wife's first deer of the season


New member
I finally convinced my wife to brave the cold and go hunting with me this evening. She has hunted with me a few times each season for the last three years but this was her first time out this year. We saw this spike right before dark at about 75 yards and waited for it to walk out into a clearing. It was walking at a brisk pace so when it got to the clearing I did my best impersonation of a doe bleat so it would stop. She was already looking through the scope and as soon as the deer stopped she pulled the trigger. It jumped and ran about 30 yards leaving a decent blood trail. She had made a perfect shot on him, broadside right behind the shoulder.

Her rifle is a Remington Model 7 .243 win. She was shooting an 85 gr Nosler partition over 38 grains of W760 (a staring powder charge in most manuals). There was a little more than caliber-size entry hole and quarter-size exit hole. It went right through the heart, blowing it in half and clipped one lung on the way through. This is the first year I have loaded for her rifle, the 95 gr Federal Fusions she had been using performed well, but they generated a little more recoil than she cared for, especially in the lightweight model 7. I'm proud of the performance of the load, but most of all I'm proud of my hunter!

Jackie Bushman ain't got nothin' on her :D

The model 7 is great rifle for kids/women because of it's shorter length of pull, and short, lightweight barrel. However light weight means more felt recoil, and even a .243 can be a bit much for a recoil sensitive, small framed shooter. My wife is 5'1" 110 lbs so she is inherently recoil sensitive. The lighter loads really helped that problem, and the SuperCell recoil pad I put on the stock helped a lot too. The factory recoil pad was just a piece of hard plastic, not very helpful at all.

She's thinking about getting a new stock for it since I informed her that Boyd's is now making youth stocks. She likes all the "pretty" color options
I can completely understand the recoil issue! My oldest is 5 foot nothing and a buck. Her Weatherby Vanguard youth .243 she could shoot well, but did not enjoy the recoil. It almost caused her to quit going to the range with me.

I put her into a 6.8 AR to mitigate the recoil and she loves it!

Great spike she got there! Good on her for shot placement!
It had to be the doe should take all the credit, that's what I'd do.:D

Seriously, that's one proud and happy huntress. Nice job to both of you and that deer should look great mounted in your freezer.
Okay...she shot it... and now you have to cook it. :eek:

She looks pretty tickled in that pics. I'm thinkin you may have a great hunting partner.

Congrats to ya both.
I used to have a Model 7 in 6mm Rem, until I let my wife shoot it

Now it's "her " rifle"

We've killed a large herd of deer with it over the last 30 years, but I had to buy a different rifle if I wanted to hunt at the same time she did