The Wheelchair Incident

Dust Monkey

New member
Alright. I have been watching and waiting for the outcome of this incident. Now, unless I missed something or there is more to come, I am a bit disgusted.

1. Why wasnt anyone charged with assault? Was the original deputy charged?

2. People say the thin blue line does not exist. This finding contradicts that.,3566,402842,00.html

Deputies Found Negligent in Inmate Wheelchair Dumping

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

TAMPA, Fla. —

A Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputy has resigned and another was fired over the dumping of a wheelchair-bound inmate onto the floor.
According to an internal affairs report released Tuesday, another six deputies have been suspended without pay or reprimanded for not intervening back in January.

Orient Road Jail surveillance footage showed veteran deputy Charlette Marshall-Jones dumping Brian Sterner out of his wheelchair and searching him on the floor after he was brought in on a warrant after a traffic violation. Sterner is a quadriplegic.

The report says the deputies failed to intervene, document what happened or tell supervisors about the incident.
More than likely by not obeying the traffic laws. :)

The answer is partial or incomplete quadriplegia. I've known plenty of folks who could drive using modifications for hand controls and such. They might lack finger dexterity, but have some gross motor control of one or both arms.

What kind of piece of crap of a human would throw a disabled person to the floor.... oh yeah, these cops.

People have known that cops (many of them) have an anger problem. IMO, that is why some people are attracted to the profession... machismo. Then, they get this feeling of invulnerability and their true self comes out and they start beating the **** out of people and in this case, even assaulting a disabled person.

I know that some cops are good people and not all are bad. I have met enough of them, however, that I see the same personality traits running through the people in this profession. Machismo. Power hungry. And, to be quite honest, sometimes, abject stupidity in the officer. Give 'em a badge and some authority, and well, this is the kind of crap that happens.

There are dozens and dozens of videos on the web of cops beating a hand-cuffed subject, for example while his "buddies" stand by and watch. They should all be jailed and put into the normal population. Let's see how brave they are when the tables are turned.

Personally, I have pulled a buddy of mine off of a guy in a fight because the fight was over. I didn't sit back with my thumb up my ass and let my buddy continue to beat the **** out of the guy when the guy obviously could no longer fight back. Why aren't more cops like that? Are they scared to stand up to another man who does not wear hand cuffs or who is not in a wheel chair? Makes me wonder.
What I wanna know is how a deaf guy get a license but I can't drive with ear buds in?

1] There are only a few deaf people and they can't help it. There are lots of people who might use ear buds and they don't have to.

2] Deaf people have a lot of experience with not being able to hear. The rest of us rely on our hearing.
Dust Monkey: Was the original deputy charged?
Charlette Marshall-Jones was charged but walked on a plea bargain deal last I heard. She resigned two steps ahead of being fired. Another deputy got fired and one resigned.