The way it oughta be


Staff Alumnus

Venezuelan Governor Says Won't Stop Lynchings

CARACAS (Reuters) - The governor of a Venezuelan state said Monday he had instructed his police force not to step in to save criminals from being killed by angry
local communities.

"The police will not intervene to protect any crook, rapist, assailant or murderer," said Lara state governor Orlando Fernandez. "I have to look after honest and decent people," he told the local Union Radio station.

Fernandez's decision came amid growing concern in the South American country of 23 million people over a sudden rise in crime. Confusion over the implementation of a new penal code has caused many criminals to be released shortly after their arrest.

The reappearance of known offenders soon after they were witnessed committing a crime led to an outbreak in reported lynchings.

"I have to set priorities. ... I'm too busy to be protecting criminals," said Fernandez, whose small, mostly agricultural state is located in central Venezuela.

Legal experts and rights groups slammed his statements as a flagrant violation of every citizen's rights to police protection. But Fernandez rejected the criticisms.

"I'm not violating anybody's human rights. I've not said I'm going to go out and lynch anybody. But it's ridiculous to use the police to protect delinquents," he said.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
We could use more of that mentality here in the states.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Well, the same governor & police also enforce Venezuela's strict gun laws. Handguns, I believe, are outlawed, even knives are restricted.
just goes to show you that gun control doesn't work. cuz if gun control worked, they won't have to worry about lynchings

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Better watch out, Billy boy will be sending the troops down there next. Gotta' protect all the people of the world you know!!

what me worry?