The votes are in.....

Rob Pincus

New member
Well, as if everyone didn't already know what was going to happen.. Here are the results for article one of the Impeachment Trial:

54 to 45 Against a guilty verdit
With Sen. Spectre not registering a vote. He said "Not Proven" Which is not allowed.

--EDIT Spectre apparently changed his vote to a regular old "Not Guilty"....

The following Republican Senators voted NOT Guilty:



[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 02-12-99).]
Article Two went a little better. At least we had less defectors. 50% of the Senate at voted Guilty on this one. Perhaps that will follow Clinton into the history books. Spectre was a big disappointment on this one!

Here are the Republicans voting NOT Guilty on this article :


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 02-12-99).]
This is going to screw the justice system 8 ways from Sunday and I hope it does. Everyone convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice should appeal.

It should be noted that Dr. Barbara Battalino (The VA psychiatrist who had one incident of consensual sex with a patient, and was convicted of perjury about it) had to get special permission to go to Wash DC to appear before Congress. She is still under house arrest (electronic ankle bracelet) for her perjury. She lives about 30 mi from me and a local news story on her noted that she has to have friends do her shopping for her as she is not allowed to leave her yard.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
that's why we need a 3rd party. a party that stands on the Constitution. just when you thought the republicans were going to do something constitutional, and just, look what happens. just goes to show you, you can't trust none of them (well, a few, maybe)

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 02-12-99).]
DC & others, please, don't mean to wee on your foot, but it's a LEGAL system, not a JUSTICE system. I started drinkin' around 1 PM, and I'm home with the flu and already feel like refried monkey merde, so a few shots & pops won't make much difference at this point (and I need the rest), but DAMN, we be scrod. LET'S FIRE 'EM ALL & START OVER. Election day, November 7, 2000, is only 633 days away, plenty of time to think & plan. Let's get it right this time. M2
Mike, I agree:
1) seriously plan for the Nov 7 2000 elections

2) Getting royally sh@$-faced tonight...a bottle of Cuervo Gold beckons ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
And where's the lynch mob when you need one??

On local news here in Charlotte,NC the station interviewed a 6 grader: It goes to show you,you'll never be able to trust a politian.

I wonder his words or his parents?

Justice for one,Justice for all.
The capacity of the American public to absorb being kicked in the teeth by the Democrats and Republicans has been a continual source of amazement to me for twenty three years now. I only had to be screwed once by a Republican in 1972 and once by a Democrat in 1976 to NEVER vote for another of either party...not even for dogcatcher.

The American voters KNEW what they were getting with Willie...a man without integrity. He weaseled about his draft record. I don't support conscription...never have, never will. I volunteered and would have refused to go into combat with a draftee. Willie waffled not out of conviction but out of cowardice. He didn't inhale marijuana? Give me a break. Not only did this answer show a total lack of principle (hell, if you did it, own up to it! Take your lumps if any!) but also a bottomless contempt for the intelligence of his audience. A justified contempt for his constituency, I might add. But his constituency still supports him because they knew what he was in the beginning. He was what they wanted.

Too many American want to "win" with their votes. They will not vote for a third party "because their vote wouldn't count if they don't vote for someone with a chance."

If you always do as you've always'll always get what you've always gotten.

Are you happy with the direction of America? If you are, continue to vote Democratic and Republican. Me, I'll continue to vote Libertarian...the party of principle.
Fred Thompson of Tn ( yeah, my senator)was th only senator to split his vote. Not guilty of perjury, guilty of obstruction. Now Fred is nobody's fool. He's been playing the Washington game for alot of years and knows how to work the system. I think he voted that way because he's considered one of he front runners for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000. I hope he knows what he's doing.

But still, that not guilty vote pissed me off no end! :(
Incidentally, Spartacus, Clinton's original planned response to the pot-smoking question was "I never violated the drug laws of my country." Just when you thought that there was no possible way to answer in a more weasely fashion...
Also, Clinton's speech yesterday was interesting. He apologized for "what I said and did". WHAT did you say, Bill? WHAT did you do? Clearly, this guy just doesn't like telling the truth--sometimes it seems like he lies just for the hell of it.
You all forget that there was a 100 to 0 vote to call no witnesses. There never was a real trial. and everyone new the out come. And why the Closed door session. The whole blasted "trial" was a sham. There may be a few good ones in the house, but it's time to start over from scratch in the Senate. I think Harkin (D-IA) is running for vice Pres. He is a complete lying snake. As bad as Klinton but smarter. Most of the rest are gutless wonders, we need to throw them all out. I'll never vote for Harkin (Never have) or Grassly again. I'd vote for a communist first at least I'd know where he stood.
Is everyone as disgusted as me?

I think if there was a Mayflower today, headed for a new world, I would have my family & myself on it.

Just what is it that we have to do?
Well, isn't Sen. Thompson on the committee looking into the Democratics illegal fund-raising tactics. After reading some of the stuff they've pulled with the Chinese, well it's no wonder Clinton has been dragging the Lewinsky affair out as long as he can. Hopefully the truth will come out about this, and then there wont be a snowballs chance in hell that Clinton or Gore will be in office.
