The United States Budget thread:Follow the MONEY


Hi Palin's nomination has actually got me excited about politics, and, that hasn't happened since Kennedy. I was young, stupid, so let's not discuss that...

What I would like to discuss is the nuts and bolts of the United States Budget. I think as a people, we need to realize this is the single most important thing our government does: take taxes and spend it in ways we either don't know about, or, usually don't want I ask for a sticky thread, where we can discuss each component of the budget, know who is responsible, and, who to address. I think it's VITAL THAT WE, AS A PEOPLE START GETTING THE BUDGET OUT IN THE OPEN, AND, WHEN THAT'S DONE, WE CAN, AND WILL EFFECT CHANGE IN THE UNITED STATES.

Palin is an excellent example. From the bit of reading I've done on her she so far, is not a hypocrite. She applies budgeting money to herself, and her family, setting an example for the fat cats in our government. I REALLY hope this trend continues when she is our VP.

To start, I would like to see the budget for the pay for Congress, and, their entourages. How much do we pay for Secret Service to protect them? How much wealth does each one of our Senators/Congress people have, and, how has their position in Congress affected that?

I suspect that Palin has only, if you'll excuse a pun, touched the tip of the iceberg as far as government corruption. When we start seriously looking at our budget,
intelligent questions will follow. Do we really need a massive foreign aide budget? Do we really need a bunch of lawyers sitting around getting paid the entire year, writing laws we don't want, that limit our freedoms?

I would like to suggest Texas has the right idea: 3 months out of the year congress can meet, and, they are off the rest of the time. NOT PAID. Anything comes up, emergency sessions. Congress pays their own protection bills. See how it feels when you go out not to have your own little Secret Service army protecting you. Pay for it yourself.

I'm sure that there are many other ideas for saving and changing the path the money takes that we can address.

Don't like a government agency? Stop funding them.

Thank you

Socrates J.D.